INSANE Cheating Update
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merry christmas to everyone watching this. hope you all stay safe and enjoy the holidays!!!
Nepomniachtchi's been glazing Kramnik real hard this whole time
The issue is just that human are so bad at chess.
Must be tough for Kramnik to accept watching a 12 year old prodigy perform better than him, a world champion, at their age.
It feels like Kramnik is honing his Trump persona
So what your saying is that Hikaru may or may not like the special beads
You should invite him
"Anyone who's better than me is obviously cheating… that's not my opinion… that's just a statistical axiom."
– Kramnik
Merry Christmas!
Smearing the names of actual children without any legitimate proof to back it up is such heinous behavior. Fide needs to take action against Kramnik
Actually kramnik is jealous from people's like hikaru he can't say anything to magnus because he's 5 time world champ so he's Targeting hikaru
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Mad cuz bad
How does this affect magnus legacy
Merry Christmas ⛄
Magnus accuses someone of cheating and everyone supports him and makes ridiculous conspiracy theories including anal beads.
Kramnik accuses someone of cheating and EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS
Gotham makes a great point at the end. Even if half of the people Kramnik accused are guilty, half are still innocent. Kramnik is giving off “sore loser” vibes
False accusations are dangerous. Publicly airing suspicions without a strong basis on evidence – or on faulty evidence (especially if based on common misconceptions) – can easily backfire. If cheating isn't widespread but people think it is, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because people will think that cheating is normal or even necessary. Saying that it's impossible to catch just means more people will try. And even if those people are quickly caught, how will a surge in the number of account bans look?
Because inevitably there will be false positives. If 80%, 50%, even just 20% of accused cheaters were falsely accused, what are the falsely accused going to think? If some young up and coming talents are falsely accused by some old guy, how is that going to affect their view of the game and the community? And of course, if false accusations get people dragged through the mud before they're cleared, far more people are going to see those people dragged through the mud than the later retraction. The stain on the reputation takes a while to clear, if it ever does at all. And if becomes sufficiently commonplace, it will be weaponized.
We would love if you farm Kramnik for content.
I don't think baseless accusations are a good enough reason to mute Kramnik. However, given his own censorship of responses to his blog, he deserves it.
No you don't take the 46 games and look at ONLY those, that's just a dangerous way to look at statistics. He's literally cherry-picking data for an argument. If you look at weird coincidences only in a vacuum, then of course it's not going to make any sense. It's when you look at the entire picture that you understand what's happening.
There's a guy who won the lottery jackpot twice in a row. The odds of that are so astronomically stupid that it's really easy to say "oh yeah must be rigged". But it's not, it happened. And if you look at the sheer number of people playing the lottery over and over, it was statistically bound to be that way.
These chess accusations aren't even close to that level of odds. One of the top players in the world farming lower ranks? I'd expect these results.
I'm not on Kramnik's side at all but how are his accusations baseless if they weren't all incorrect. Maybe his cap score was like 15 but not baseless.
Hikaru accused a young arjun ergaisi nobody said anything then.
Two things are clear in my mind. First, as someone who is familiar with stats, I can safely say that Kramnik has no idea what he is talking about. Second, Nepo gets off way too easy in these discussions.
Kramnik is cheating!
Kramnik the type of guy to accuse 30 different people and when even one would turn out to be, he would say "See? I told you, I knew it!"
Kramnick is just out here doing a witch hunt.
Levy please let me out of your basement
Kramnik: "No one is above the law! Everyone should be investigated and treated equally!!!"
The fact that that is how he refers to himself is just hilarious 😅
fines as punishment for false accusations, and suspensions/bans/fines for cheaters?
Why is Ian always blabbering about something 😭😭
I think someone needs to take Uncle Vlad's laptop away. Is cheating a problem? Online yes, OTB not as much, and besides it's just to hard to prove (ask Magnus).
The chess world feels like a dictatorship now
kramnik off his meds fr 😂
invite him anyway
It’s okay, Kramnik— a lot of students fail statistics class in high-school.
Next up… Kramnik edumacating us about the "plandemic", and how the Jan 6 insurrection was really an Obama / FBI / Deep State / Antifa false-flag operation, and how generations of humanity's stupid climate scientists got the basic physics of global warming all wrong.
What might be interesting is you can invite two different mathematicians AND Kramnik on stream, and as you ask questions, the mathematicians can take Kramnik’s “hypotheses” and actually solve for it. Or, the mathematicians can look at data provided by Kramnik and check on the authenticity of it.
if kramnik has evidence he needs to release it. NOW, any further accusations should be considered libel until he releases his "proof"
i took university statistics and it is clear that kramnik doesnt understand statistics
can you pls make a christmas type video? idk like christmas guess the elo like last year? pls
Merry christmas dudee
Merry Christmas!
invite him and get a renowned statistician and let him explain why he doesn't get statistics
Magnus Carlsen is the biggest cheater in chess
I mean, if we follow kramnik's logic then everyone's guilty until proven otherwise.
I can say someone killed someone then just buy time for myself and make them sit behind bars for weeks and months. Unfortunately that's not how the world works, a single person's opinion can't change the world's PoV especially when there's no strong & legitimate proof
It's like saying "he's sus, so he must be a criminal"
it doesn't work like that, that's just bullying.
Kramnick needs to understand that probability proves nothing even if the odds of such a streak are less. Still that doesn't proves if Hikaru cheated or not atleast according to my limited understanding .
Well said (y)
This is kind of sad that Kramnik is ruining his rep like this
10:30 Зассал!