INSANE Cheating Update


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%1$ Comments355

    damn so many grandmaster being salty because its their first time to use a keyboard and mouse playing chess age has gotten into them. slowhands = im not bad but enemy cheating

    Remote chess play isn't a sport because cheating can't be avoided. Peopla who say otherwise are either liars or stupid.

    The only way to solve this is 360 fischer random chess 👍

    Chess is not a real sport. It's more like a drama club.

    The more sore the loser, the more numerous the cheating accusations. – First Law Of Microgenitalia

    Wlad is playing the drama-game really well so far. Doubt it will be very fruitfull in the longrun. We'll see.

    farming is not really cheating unless its matchfixing.

    As someone whose research can be classed as applied math, I am curious about the anti-cheating algorithms, but I presume they need to be kept secret or whatever so that people can't some way to undermine the algorithm.

    Accusing Hikaru (brain dead) is where he began to lose serious credibility

    Mathematician: "The probability of winning the Power Ball is 1 in 292 million."

    When someone wins the Power Ball….

    Kramnik: "This is cheating and this must be addressed seriously. Also, these Mathematicians does not know how probabilities are calculated. My way is the only correct way"

    I bet Kramnik's an only child used to getting his own way. Or he's unwell.

    I think that he is just old and he is going nuts OR he just want some attention

    I delete my comment. I don't wanna be mean. Peace. Happy new year

    Levy, with or without Kramnik def worth having head of anti-cheating technology talk about current measures, what is good and where it fails

    Kramnik is making a classic and very common misunderstanding of probability.

    Invite Kramnik on and ask him to present his evidence. He says he can do the math to prove there's cheating going on. Ask him to see the math.

    Magnus: Accuses one person of cheating.
    The chess community: "What a sore loser, OMG."

    Kramnik: Accuses literally everyone of cheating.
    The chess community: "Hold on, now, he might be onto something."

    The internet never fails to show the true stupidity of the masses.

    I would be intrested to see you invite Kramnik AND an actual statiction, and then act as a mediator lmao, becuase myself, even as someone who has only studied statistics to a pre-university level, can see the errors in his arguments. But he will never accept that from anyone but a qualified statiction

    Its disgusting that FIDE allows him to keep his GM title and the respect that comes with it when he is proven to be a conspiracy nut. We need to allow free speech and free accusations but once they are proved 100% wrong if the people claim conspiracies and continue to be a dickhead strip them of titles, ban from all events.

    At 19:20, I almost experienced my eyes going bad in real time! 🤯🤯🫨

    I mean, Magnus was fined for withdrawing from the tournament without good cause; FIDE determined that, despite being wrong according their investigation, he had reasonable grounds to suspect Hans so they didn't fine him for that.

    Kramnik is the flat earther of the chess community. Who cares if he was a chess champion, that has nothing to do with his comprehension of statistics or ability to be a decent human being.

    Russian athletes lecturing about cheating… and I laughed…. and I laughed…

    Honestly, I think the only way FIDE will actually suspend players is if someone wins a defamation case in court. And even then, it’s still unlikely that top players with lots of fame will get punished.

    Thank you for your level headed approach. I agree, don't invite Kramnik. He isn't listening anymore. Nothing can satisfy him

    You can tell nobody on any side likes this whole thing… Except my morbid curiosity and love for drama and your views.

    binary… what about if I define myself as a none cheater? if accused, I'll just be offended…

    Kind of ironic that a world champion raised in the USSR would cry that he’s being silenced by a private chess matchmaking service lol

    i'm in the finegold school on this one, just a bunch of 2800 players who can't deal with the fact that maybe the reason they don't lose otb to 2500-2600s is they never play those ppl otb and lo and behold when they play them online in faster time controls, those guys occasionally win, this is getting ridiculous and kramnik and nepo are turning into fischer circa 72 and not in a "good chess" way

    My most contrarian chess takes is that I was horrified that Magnus wasn't banned after he attempted to overturn a loss he was embarrassed by with transparently bullshit accusations against Hans. That was overt, intentional, obvious cheating, performed in front of everyone, and he got away with it with only a fine.

    The longer this goes on, the more Kramnik sounds like a complete nutbag like Trump, Bolsonaro, and the like. I mean, this thing would just immediately end and be resolved if he simply published all of his analysis and data. But until then we can only assume ha has a complete mental breakdown and needs professional help. Why is he so (and apparently also Nepo) so angry at American chess players and organizations?

    Hate to see when an expert in their field thinks they are an expert in every field.

    I don't even know why he's even barking at this point. Guilty even if proven innocent is a fucking idiotic position to take. Especially when presented with facts that both his logic and math are incorrect. So either we're watching the greatest math wiz ever stumbling to get his facts out, or he's coming down with some serious foot in mouth disease.

    He's right about one thing, cheating is a problem, it will forever be. If Krapnik can do better, do it. You'll drive all other chess sites out of business in a week. Talk is cheap, and thus far he's all hot air and no substance.

    One GM accuses another GM of cheating – Yawn. Sorry, but this has no bearing on the mid-level (1600) grunts like me. 😴

    Incompetent not uncompetent, which even a basic grade school education would show you😂

    Why doesn't kramnik shows his math? Because he doesn't understand math…

    Damn Kramnik really did mess this one up

    I would rather hear interviews with the people kramnik is bothering or with an anti cheating expert. Would move the whole conversation somewhere far more useful imo.

    Hate to say it but Kramnik just sounds like an oldhead, speaking about a subject he doesn't know and is not competent in

    would be cool if u invited kramnik and also a world renowned statistician

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