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%1$ Comments222

    that queen to a1 isnt actually good because white can play the d rook to b1 and that prevents checkmate!

    The proud Gotham look when an IM is having a run against GMs.

    9:06 I would've played Qe2 which means he can't take because if he does I take his rook and it's mate.

    i would pay levy 1 million dollars to just talk about fortnite for once

    Dear Gotham, today I sacrificed THE ROOK! for the first time. I won. Thanks.

    Day 26 of asking levy for a GTE episode

    "and somewhere stockfish smiled" (!!)

    Take these pawns. Promote to four knights and get a stalemate. I was dead.

    promote to 4 knights, make a stalemate 😀

    Firouzja is the most overrated chess player

    Stock fish never fails to click bait us😂😂

    Thanks for your daily videos. Ordered your book on Amazon.

    well certainly I'm mistaking something here, but I'm asking genuinely. why is the video named Insane Stockfish Sacrifice? but the video shows real people playing each other?

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