INTERMEDIATE Chess Bot Speedrun

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%1$ Comments504

    YES! Beat all the bots!! I'm sure the advanced bots will take you 45 mins, but for the masters you should probably do that in 2 parts

    it would be better if you played master bots so we can actually learn something, the chess boom has happened several years ago, everyone is 2000 now

    You should do one against all the streamer bots


    Hope ya keep this as a series, some streamer and personality bots are fun ; )

    Bots are so bad at chess tbh 1400 bot is nowhere near being 1400 they suck

    Okay so yeah there was no stare today. But how are there so few comments about the lack of a stare today?

    Sven is a good training bot for low-rated players imo. He does real openings before blundering.

    love 'these.

    great to eat lunch to.

    Please beat up on BoxBox super hard!

    My nemesis, chess bot.

    I'm surprised at myself because I went up 200 points of elo in 3 days

    I love these videos! Please do the advanced bots

    I like that he tries to teach us some small things in the video 😀

    I thought you said you were not going to do chess videos

    I saw how he could’ve done a checkmate but he didn’t

    I’m 300 elo and Nelson always destroys me but one time I won in 13 moves, same happened with Sven but then i won with 7 moves

    Ive beaten Wally once, but cant beat Li for love nor money so i need the advanced bot speedrun

    Loved this, thanks! Voting yes on the advanced bot speedrun.

    i did them all + the easy bots in 20 minutes and i’m only 600 elo, they literally hang their queens every game

    Everyone loves Levy, goofy or not, dont quit your doing great

    You should for sure play the advanced bots . Also, I think the youtuber bot speedrun would be hillarious.

    David is legendary. A 1400 who plays 1.Na3 and loses in 7 moves. Beautiful.

    i can beat all the intermediate bots pretty easily but I'm stuck on antonio ffs

    "Sven had a good game until he didn't"
    Yoo that's savage😭

    Coincidentally, just as you checkmated the last bot, my city bus crashed….I'm fine though so you can laugh if you want

    I can beat chess bots up to 1700, but at 1300 I’m already at less than 50/50 odds. I’m about 650 elo on 10+0 rapid. The bots seem to make mistakes in trading into an endgame which is where I’ve gotten the advantage every time

    Im 1200 but nelson is the easiest thing to beat infact I beat wally too

    Gotham needs to re run the beginner bots speedrun as eric rosen beat him

    I’ve lost to David so many times because of those funny looking openings and Levy just beat him in seven moves☠️

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