Is Hikaru Retiring From Chess?

This was filmed April 3, 2024, in Toronto, Canada.

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%1$ Comments204

    Hikaru, for some reason, has this reputation for being kind of a jerk. However, I've found that if you watch the interviews he gives and the casual banter he has in chats like this, that he's a very down-to-Earth, levelheaded, agreeable guy. I've long told people to pay attention to his interviews; in particular the times when he talks about his own play. He's the first to be critical of his own play and to give credit to his opponents when they play well. So, as far as his "reputation" is concerned, I just don't get it.

    It could very well be the holdover from his late teen years when he was, admittedly, pretty obnoxious on ICC.

    That was a long time ago, folks!


    Jesus christ, did I actually just sit through a 44 minute interview? Captivating as hell.

    You should pay Hikaru for a lesson to stream live. That would be interesting content for him to coach you on your errors

    River cruise?? Port hole in last couple of interviews

    Noooo now I can't end the video he didn't said "get out of here!" 😂
    No but seriously why he didn't said that I always wait for that

    I would bet my money on hikari, he's gambler like myself.

    Hikaru: I don't think its fair to use secret accounts because people won't try as hard against you

    Cuts to a dozen clips of people panicking and blundering because they're facing Hikaru

    For gambling over chess games, I think it would really have to be games like Chess 960 or something that dissentivizes draws. Maybe a version of the game where a draw gives each player 0 | 0 or -1 | -1 instead of 0.5 | 0.5

    i would cheat against kramnik just for the meme

    Hikaru speaks a lot better in this interview than the last one !

    HIkaru premoving a gambling stream was a big blunder

    So Hikar..

    GMHikaru: Premoves 10000 word answer.

    Hikaru one day says if the opponent is unknown you will play better (he put the example on Magnus, saying he would play better if he didn't know it was Magnus), and now it goes the other way around

    I do think if Magnus, Hikaru and You were gone chess would lose at least 50% of public interests

    Levy taking a day off to get high in amsterdam 🙂

    Nice of you to interview a professional slot gambler, always pushing the boundaries out.

    hikaru: i'm very proud of you
    levy: poker face

    I think its important that Hikaru played i serious events and tournaments over the board, because it helps to show that even though you have a ton of games online for your opponents to gain information on you, at the end of the day, chess speaks for itself, and you can still have strong chances at world champion

    If a 2850 IM is cheating how many moves would it take you to notice I'm cheating, I mean, he's cheating?

    I’m sure there are many people coming up that would love that come up that you have brought. How about interviewing the new guys for the younger generation. You have a huge platform. You can brand people out with just your interest. And if that’s in a new generation content creator. Think that would help

    The first question shows some real insecurity.

    YouTube options shows 1080p60, the video clearly shows 1080o24…

    Levy should get Hikaru to be his coach/mentor to become a GM

    4:40 why is Kramnik suspended for 3 months and Khismatullin indefinitely? Seems like it should be the other way around no?

    Please explain

    I'm coming to help 🙂
    Can you teach me a thing or too?

    Inspiring shit right there. Ty for your input 🙂

    Hikaru looks well groomed as hell love this man ❤️

    I have never seen hikaru as comfortable as he is with levy at any other interview ❤️❤️

    Lmao Levy just straight up starting the interview with that question 😂 he has a grudge against Hikaru. You can do it Levy!

    Ask Hikaru about streaming online crypto gambling…

    Well speaking kf getting your name right – one of our mainstream Indian media just called naka as HAKAMURA. Which honestly made me loose my shit as us Indians really love haka noodles 😂

    interviewed again with your boyfriend? what's that foreplay? declaring your undying love for him?

    Just make Perfect world accounts for Chess and Get perma ban if you cheat. Then nobody could have a second account and people will cheat less becouse it will ruin so you cant play online there again. Mby you can give second chance still if they send a request asking for it

    Watching this because of the non clickbait title! I skip videos with clickbait titles.

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