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Ivanchuk, Vasyl (2667) – Carlsen, Magnus (2835)
FIDE World Cup ( [39] 2023.08.13
C88 Ruy Lopez, closed, anti-Marshall 8.a4

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 O-O 8.a4 Rb8 9.axb5 axb5 10.c3 d6 11.d4 exd4 12.cxd4 d5 13.e5 Ne4 14.Nc3 Nxc3 15.bxc3 Bf5 16.h3 Qd7 17.Be3 Nd8 18.Nd2 b4 19.c4 dxc4 20.Bxc4 c6 21.Qa4 Rb7 22.Nf1 Ne6 23.Ng3 Bg6 24.Red1 Nc7 25.Qb3 Nd5 26.Ra5 Ra7 27.Rda1 Rfa8 28.Rxa7 Rxa7 29.Rxa7 Qxa7 30.Ne2 Qa3 31.Bc1 Qxb3 32.Bxb3 Bd3 33.Nf4 Nxf4 34.Bxf4 c5 35.dxc5 Bxc5 36.e6 Kf8 37.exf7 Bg6 38.Kf1 Bxf7 39.Bxf7 Kxf7 40.Ke2 Bd4 41.Kd3 Bxf2 42.Bd2 Bc5 43.Kc4 Bf8

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The Chess World Cup 2023 is a 206-player single-elimination chess tournament that will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 30 July to 24 August 2023.[1] It will be the 10th edition of the Chess World Cup. The top three finishers in the tournament will qualify for the 2024 Candidates Tournament.[2][3]

The tournament will be held in parallel with the Women’s Chess World Cup 2023.

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%1$ Comments113

    #request I think the title should be "normally I am not known for being merciful " Magnus..

    Otra vez Magnus???
    Canal agadmator/magnus

    when you’re so good stockfish can’t even properly evaluate your winning position. 100% accuracy from Magnus. Absolutely disgusting.

    What's interesting about the game is that, Ivanchuk offered a draw on move 31, but Magnus refused.

    Feels like this era of chess belongs to young Indian prodigies.. 3 Indians into qfs… Nothing made us this happy than seeing all 3 of them into QF…

    “Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.”

    ≾Arthur Schopenhauer≿

    …….. why is your comment visible. Makes me so mad

    Very bad explanation of some positions in this and in previous game of Vasil and Magnus,try harder in the future Agadmator

    Ivanchuk just let him win like one does with the babies after he refused the draw.

    It looked like Ivanchuk wanted to finish these games as soon as possible, especially today. He was blitzing moves worsening his position when he had more than an hour on the clock, this match has been the biggest disappointment so far of the World Cup, but at least we get Gukesh vs Magnus which should be fire.

    Tight Game Ok two down onto the Next opponent I wasn’t familiar with these two former challengers to Magnus so I’ve learned something following these games Both Great players the young Vincent German Grandmaster and Vasyl Ivanchuk a legend himself Thanks Agadmator I hope Magnus runs into stronger opposition in his future games maybe (Gukesh) will be interesting to see Enjoy the rest of your day as well

    Few are picky about today's upload but drawing (and possibly winning) chess games on demand is an art too!

    #suggestion please show Caruana vs Duda, Saleh vs Hometown hero. and Prag's games. Stream was really bad and basically didnt get to enjoy any of these

    How to master in chess i am stuck in 1300 elo give some chess strategy

    Todays stream was really really bad please show the Caruana, Prag, and Hometown hero games 🙏 🥺

    When Magnus bought his Rook to a7 maybe Vasyl’s best move would’ve been to capture the knight on d5 with his Rook on a5 even though he would be down in the exchange a Rook for a knight and pawn and maybe a better position ?

    That's sad, Ivanchuk couldn't put up a fight…!

    Ivanchuck looked so sad 😢, I hope he is OK and family are safe, he showed a great fight against Magnus and in second game his level of accuracy was 96% but what can you say when you face a chess bot in Magnus

    Looked like Chucky couldn’t wait to get back on the front by the end of it

    A rather dry game. Surely there are more exciting games to show today. 🙂

    White is a piece up. I think its actually a pawn.

    Thanks for the endgame analysis, very helpful and thorough.

    Rb8 idea is what Magnus played in the Nepo match

    the constant “ahhhm” in this video tends to annoy me.

    I love Chucky but that's a sad way to end his world cup

    Thank you Sir for keep uploading for us . 🙂

    SPOILER: Although I love Magnus my heart saddens because of the loss of Ivanchuk. Wanted him to win.

    Magnus appears to be unstoppable this World Cup; let us hope he eventually wins it.

    these two chess players are such CLASSICs in the world and history of chess.
    Antonio ALWAYS does a great job providing updates and explanation of these significant chess games.

    without watching the video, i say yes it is possible

    It feels like Chuck was not interested at all at the games vs Magnus in general.

    Magnus being able to win both games against his old rival is just incredible

    I'm the fast viewer and the first comment I love you Magnus Carlsen

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