Italian Game for Black [20-Minute Chess Opening Crash Course]

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🔹 Learn the Italian Game in 20 Minutes [Chess Opening Crash Course] –

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov gives you a quick crash course on one of the most popular chess openings, the Italian Game (for Black), which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4.

You will learn the Giuoco Piano variation after Black plays 3…Bc5, and the most common responses of White after that. You will also learn some of the key ideas, common attacking plans, and traps.

► Chapters

00:00 Italian Game For Black [Opening Crash Course]
00:40 Italian Game: Giuoco Piano 3…Bc5
02:30 1) 5.d4, Classical Variation, Center Attack
04:17 Do NOT fall for this trap!
08:43 If White covers the check with Bd2
10:02 2) 5.d3, Classical Variation, Giuoco Pianissimo
13:11 If White retreats with Bb3-Bc2
14:41 Powerful kingside attack
17:20 Attacking plan if White plays Re1
20:00 Final variation: If White stops Ng4 with h3
22:20 Popular queen trap (poisoned pawn)

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%1$ Comments111

    11:01 Bg5 pinning the knight is actually computer best move, and defending with h6 is not the best move, why is it like that on stockfish

    What if Bb4 check is defended with Nd2 instead of Nc3

    There are another 928389 lines I found for white to do, i want to die

    Wow, just wow! What an extraordinary game! Thanks Igor, and keep up the great work! 😊

    Hardest opening tonpkay agaisnt for black imo one move out of theory and you get a big disadvantage

    I have had a lot of success with the g5 and g4 pawn push after h3. But I have never seen the other idea with Ng4 and f5, that looks very interesting and dangerous!

    All your variations are based on a black bishop move to c5… I play italian very very often, not to say all times, and less that 10% opponents play the bishop. To prevent attack of white knight to g5, they will preferably push their pawn to h7 or f7

    I appreciate your research and your demeanor in your presentations. You are a fine teacher and not just a game commentator.

    I pove ur videos the opening name for beginners

    Igor, you are the best chess teacher on YouTube!

    Thank you for this lesson, which I found to be particularly valuable. To have a thorough and well thought thru crash course on an opening, both as white (your other crash course on the Italian) or as black, I feel gives me with a much more solid and well rounded foundation in understanding it, especially since the Italian opening is unknown to me. Really appreciate your taking the time to put this together!

    GM Igor just condensed 350 years of chess theory into just 23 minutes and 14 seconds! Pure genius!

    This is very nice one. So many games go these directions. Only bit missing here is evans gambit, which is almost death sentence for unprepared black player. Covering that would be very nice as well 🙂

    Igor, how do you earn money if all your videos are for free?..

    Thanks a lot! Your videos helped me win many OTB games. Keep going!

    Just curious to ask you please prepare more plans for black in various attacking plans. Generally when we learn chess we used to concentrate on white attacks black defends..but more we want to know the vice versa. I hope you understand my point. Thank you

    Ba7 for black is a wonderful step. Thank you Egor for this wonderful video on Italian.

    You are the best!!! More of these long and very clear videos explaining popular openings!!

    I'd watch a 8 hour video no problem, longer the better. You're the best.

    I love the Italian game. As black. As soon as the bishop moves, Rousseau gambit every time.

    Thank you so much. It's always a treat when you post a new video.
    It was funny when you were trying to find a move for White and couldn't – that means Black was really hurting him.

    GM Smirnov undoubtedly understands the amateur mind far better than most authors, and this video is a shining example. Unfortunately, calling it "all you need to know" in the Nc3 variation when it only covers White castling (9.0-0!?) and not covering the critical Moller attack (9.d5!) is suspect. True, most beginners don't know about this, but there are many videos covering various traps. Some day they will face it and will feel tricked when the recommended antidote of …d5 is not possible. A stark omission. The Evans and the Max Lange are not considered part of the Italian proper but are close cousins and would need some prep before anyone can really be confident playing against 3.Bc4. Perhaps ideas to consider in future videos, Igor?

    I protect king losing castle rights by putting my queen on e7. Because sometimes that white bishop flys in on their next move and takes pawn, checks king. Anyone else use your queen on e7?

    Another great Video !! How about Ruy Lopez for Black?? 😁 Thanks GM SMirnov!

    Thanks a lot, Igor. I've learnt a lot from you

    Now I'm confused whether I should actually play this as black or go along with Rousseau😅

    ► Chapters

    00:00 Italian Game For Black [Opening Crash Course]

    00:40 Italian Game: Giuoco Piano 3…Bc5

    02:30 1) 5.d4, Classical Variation, Center Attack

    04:17 Do NOT fall for this trap!

    08:43 If White covers the check with Bd2

    10:02 2) 5.d3, Classical Variation, Giuoco Pianissimo

    13:11 If White retreats with Bb3-Bc2

    14:41 Powerful kingside attack

    17:20 Attacking plan if White plays Re1

    20:00 Final variation: If White stops Ng4 with h3

    22:20 Popular queen trap (poisoned pawn)

    Thanks a lot Igor for soo nice information in the Italian opening! 😊👍♟

    Brilliant Igor love these videos so helpful thank you👌👌👌

    These are the videos so many of us need. Just what to do in these normal situations. Thanks for the clear analysis!

    Great video! Can you analyse the Magnus Carlsen Gambit on the next video? c3. f3. Qa4. Qh4. Kd1. Qe1.

    Italian game is the most common opening. Yet it still one of the most trickiest opening. Sometimes you can literally sacrifice the pawns for an attacking

    Just watched your Italian Game for White Crash Course and it was SOOOO GOOD!! Thank you!

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