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%1$ Comments182

    How can i share you my match
    I think you can make a video from it and yeah it's 350 elo battle to death 👺

    If you couldn't slam dunk on Thursday you're not slam dunking on Friday

    Levi, with screams and fake excitement, tries very hard to convince the viewer that Hikaru is a genius and his moves are brilliant . But he is only a first class player.

    My 12 y/o me: "Gotham never fails to do random things!!" 

    (No, seriously, thanks a bunch for the reporting on what shows up to be a thrilling event!)

    Alireza hasn’t been the same since he became french

    "He didn't actually get up and punch him…"
    Best chess commentary I've ever seen!

    15:25 In this channel, I almost never stop watching until you finish saying “Now get out of here”, only exception being the chess bot content. No disrespect for those who enjoy that stuff, but I don’t.

    take a shot everytime levys says provocative

    I guess in the case of India the name goes first. Look at how Pragg's sister is writen – they share the Surname 🙂

    by the tone in levys voice i can tell when its a draw. kudos to hikaru for not playing a boring opening though. its kind of on white to play attacking chess.

    Hikaru is going lower and lower 😭😭

    Im not watching chess until Daniil Dubov qualifies for the candidates

    Am i the only one that expected alireza to play poorly in the candidates?

    extremely entertaining coverage! Loving every minute, and getting better at chess in the meantime

    Gotham said "the women have bonus time. It's a different time control."

    The men have bonus time, as well: 30 minutes after move 40. What they do not have is incremenent before move 40. So the men and women are the same.

    "Fabi and Nepo running around naked in a field avoiding being struck by lightning." — that's a fantasy I really didn't need to hear.

    Love how the names always cut off the screens lol, because the have the title, long name, long rating, flag and score.

    Serious sophisticated YT titles for such big events would play way better in the long term, if in the future someones wants to watch those and can't even find the right video because the titles are just text with millions of exclamation marks…

    Someone commented on Hikaru's review of his Pragg game that Pragg did not play the same absurd pawn move he did the round before because he knows Hikaru is the best in the candidates at playing in "chaos," likely because he's the world's best defensive and fast paced player which is a great combo of skills to be the best in. So, coming out swinging and with unplayed moves vs the tournament leader, to me, means Hikaru is finally in his own groove right now which it did not feel like in his early games

    I might be misremembering, but I think my dad mentioned to me once that Indian names are printed first, last.

    Last game looks like they both rolled the dice and thats the way it fell❤😊

    Levy never fails to fail pronouncing indian player names

    Game 7 black forced into knight bird reverse which is only good in certain openings or situation jut like my knight queen reverse,you are out of position yes you can fight but i know at high level this is no good❤😊

    "The fabi and nepo game was insane!"

    Draw proposed on the third move.

    8:36 Levy never fails to pronounce German names in the worst way possible!!!🤣🤣😆😅😅😅😂😂

    Levy really has the dumbest commenters on his vids

    Game 6 black after your main line played my main line with a jbird knight bird but with that center pawn gone im not sure what the elo factor is yet but these kind of things i say just one move or moves on a square change the elo factor which is the out came of the level of chess your playing and my main lines go from 1000 up to 3200❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

    I play the Colle Zuckertort and have seen these types of positions hundreds of times. White played the opening correctly. Black should not trade in the center like that but should maintain the tension in the center and pressure on the queenside. If Black allows their pieces to be restricted by their white squared pawn chain (e6,d5), white will attack on the kingside.

    I'd feel bad for Alireza if they hadn't gamed the system to get him there in the first place.

    I wish the commentary on the chess24 channel was a bit more like Levy's recaps. I'm new to the competitive chess world, and I would love to hear more about the player's styles and preferences, past games, experience, and maybe some analysis into why they chose to make a particular play. Chess24 commentary is a lot of analysis, which is probably good for those who understand that level of chess, but it's hard for me to watch because I just don't understand what they're saying and it's just not that relatable. Does anyone know if there's somewhere I can go for this kind of live commentary?

    i watch whole video but in two times speed, i wonder how its calculated…

    Dont know why no one is mentioning the Tan Zhongyi game, that was an absolutely lethal attack holy moly

    I can watch 37 different videos on Youtube from music videos to political videos and Levy's newest video will always be the next video through ALL 37 videos, WTF. I'm not even subscribed to his channel. How is this possible!!

    Ok game 4 now black did go into the knights waiting in the tower which is good but in that position look at whites opening and i know what this is and what can be done and biggest key is that white bishop on e2 yes you have to run a circus and i found out that if they leave and come back later and pieces already set its to late,e2,e2e2❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

    Nepo and Fabi probably both realised that it would extremely hard to win and decided to basically rest instead

    I like how at 4:49 gotham, praises the innacuracy, while hikaru thought it was an inaccuracy

    @gothamchess I saw you on an episode of kitchen nightmares. You and you’re wife were listed as food bloggers

    I appreciate that the UFC put pissbreaks inbetween the mens fights because its live, but in a recap is there any chance we could either have all the womens games at the start/finish, or instead two separate videos?

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