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%1$ Comments182

    only reason firouzja got to the candidates is cause he had to fake inflate his rating organising his own tournaments, shouldn´t be there

    I need to rotate this video 180 degrees… The Hyper Accelerated Dragon is an exciting Defensive opening – especially when played by Hikaru

    Alireza is one of the best players in the world but he really seems to struggle in candidates tournaments. Hopefully he'll recover and make some sort of comeback

    Indian Names; First name then given name.

    Given name mostly be Fathers name, family name or caste name. Its not usual last name in west.

    In india, we usually call people by first name , Because it is their name ( since given name is not their name but caste name/ fathers name/ family name).

    So sad for Russian chess GM's not getting to play under their flag. I hate it when they mix politics with sports! What does Ian have to do with a delusional dictator…

    In India people's names are generally written as 'First name and Last name'

    What is the idea of a Sicilian defence?
    I probably sound stupid,but i never knew the idea of it

    Time played a big role in vidit’s game .. alireza actually didn’t resign because he was trying to flag vidit although he was positionally busted …. As soon as vidit got the 30minutes on move 40 , alireza resigned with the rook and queen on 6-7th file with the pawn just about to get to the 8th square ..

    Only ally firouza has was vidit’s clock in that game .

    The Korean Zombie going out crying while Zombie by the Cranberries was playing is one of my favorite moments in the UFC of last year

    -_- in vidit game Time was major factor bruh

    We've always seen people getting the pin of shame, but what about the pin of glory?

    Sometimes I feel like levy is literally dick riding hikaru

    wdym? time was important in vidits game, it was a huge factor -_-

    Yo I've never thought I'd enjoy professional chess like that

    Imagine +0.4 is enough to win a game. I cant even win +5 advantage.

    alireza do be focusing too hard on those bling blings

    I dont know why people still hype I
    Ali reza, always bombs in tournaments

    Just would like to say thank you for broadening my knowledge of chess opening names

    You too Get outta here levy😂😂

    Levy never fails to do random things!

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