“It’s Unprecedented.” Chess Such As This Comes Once In A Lifetime

“It’s Unprecedented.” Chess Such As This Comes Once In A Lifetime. Magnus Carlsen Just Engaged God Mode in the recent Superbet Chess Rapid and Blitz chess tournament. Magnus Carlsen with black here and chasing Wei Yi, playing against Arjun Eregaisi and we saw truly some epic chess and one of the most exciting chess finishes in living memory. What a remarkable chess tournament!

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#chess #carlsen #magnuscarlsen #epicchess

%1$ Comments53

    I am so glad I subscribed to this channel. It is by far the most entertaining chess game analysis and presentation you will find 🙂

    How much for that rook threatening to check your right ear?

    The Magnus dick-riding-click-baiting is reaching Levi levels here. When he stops playing chess at least a couple of hundreds of YT channels will stop creating vids.

    This commentary was awesome! And a fun game to see too! Subbed

    His accuracy wasn't actually that good this tournament though. I mean it was amazing but not the best ever.
    A lot of "lucky" wins or wins where the other player was fully to blame for their own downfall

    Very nice! Love your style of rapid and witty commenting!

    Wesley So catching strays lmao. That setup is whack!

    "the queens in Siberia" hah, that is a top tier joke

    We are lucky to live in the time of Magnus, truly a wonderful player first amongst a whole group of great players. Thanks James.

    Magnus missed that mate in 17 with 4 seconds on the clock, pfft 🤣

    Haha, "he's got his blankie but it's still weird." LOL

    The prawn and pony salad, OK, but once in a lifetime for a not so very good game is a bit much, I feel lured.

    I love the queen and knight off. Couldn't have scripted it better.

    @8:43 was a forced queen fork. Can't believe mongoose missed that one

    I feel like I’ve seen this same title before.. or one very similar..

    "World number one across all time formats"…. except bullet!

    +1 for epic cheese channel. Keep up the good work brother!

    Who doesn't like a big fat camel toe😂🎉

    … yet another sycophantic Carlsen clip. This channel is really going down hill.

    I love these videos and think you’re by far the most entertaining to watch, but I do have to agree the thumbnails and titles are a little repetitive and bordering on clickbait, I always like the videos so don’t really mind being baited but thought I’d give the feedback

    Generic comment to increase engagement statistics.

    Pretty soon people are going to start asking about that there "Terran Chess Federation," eh? Another fun video, James.

    Party hat formation – one of my favourites 🙂

    Well if that's true that amazing chess comes once in a lifetime, in my case it came from 1969-1972, when Bobby Fischer made all the other grandmasters look like beginners.

    Uh it's Morphy's birthday. I'm sorry but this game not in the spirit

    Game chairs are very important to hold you laptop

    .castles, bishop d6 .. Magnus whipping that one out, but Arjun says “can you nay nay” omg 😂😂

    That opening brought back some memories for me, from when I learned how to play chess back in the 80s on the Atari 2600.
    I didn't know any of the rules, and so I set the computer to be white and I'd just copy every move it made. But when first time I saw the computer castling I thought it was cheating, and the first time I saw an en passant move I was absolutely convinced the computer was making up moves and taking the piss out of me.. 🤣

    These queen endings are tough. I believe the defensive strategy is to move the king away as far as possible so the queen can check the enemy king without the risk of getting exchanged. Psychologically, that's a difficult thing to do, as you also want to try to stop the pawn with your king.

    I like chessbase india better. But, it's all about getting views and gaining popularity.

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