Kasparov SHOCKS Hikaru With Brilliant Move

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%1$ Comments252

    Bobby Fischer, the self taught and lone wolf chess player who defeated the entire Soviet Chess Machine. 😊😊😊

    Its insane that Kasparov is still better than magnus


    it's actually insane that despite being retired for so long, he still makes top players look like amateurs.

    Imagine being kasporav 's grandson 💀
    Mf never beating his grandfater , beating ur grandfather is one of the main milestone of chess

    We all now the answer to that simple question. Initials MC.

    I guess you could also make an argument for Morphy, Lasker or Capablanca though, it's just hard to compare players from different times

    Wow Gotham really has 6 million subscribers now 👏،

    Beware of an old man in a profession where Magneto Carlos killed everyone or smth like that, i don't remember. Garry's popping off.

    would this not be attributed to his long bouts with Karpov. They would draw and draw and draw, they would analyze like mental cases about pawn advantages? Muscle memory. barely the width of a cigarette paper between them.

    brilliant move but game ended in a draw. Wow !!

    My favorite one is Magnukaru Rozeman Pragnananda.

    Never thought I'd be more discomforted by the phrase "banging Garry game"

    Who thinks it would be so much fun to watch kasparov against magnus in chess 960

    I expect no less of the legendary Kasparov, there's a reason why he is one of the 🐐🐐

    LOL, i just witnessed a rare video cut over dog noises. good stuff

    In that order: Karpov, Kasparov and Carlsen. That's it!

    Kasparovs offense is second to none. Love his attacking style

    I really like old game analysis or good players moves by gothamchess. Who cares about 12 years old dumb cheaters on the internet?

    Whyat the beginning of each play back are the back rank pieces in the wrong position?

    Capablanca for me is the goat, he just made chess a type of art, the goat.

    Hikaru is the best player. We can argue which chess player is the best as chess and everyone's wrong cus they all plateau at GM level
    Hikaru just has more character than other GMs

    Those castling are trippy af to see
    Also hi benji

    Frank is the greatest chess player of all time.

    Kasparov is the one that inspired me to start chess.
    His unfair battle against the computer had me watching his games over and over.
    His style is cold blooded murder for the opp king

    Great video, also, here is your regular request to make a special tournament breakdown video!

    I'd love to see a Kasparov vs Frank and witness Frank's true greatness as he ultimately stablishes dominance over the chess world by defeating Garry

    Pia Cramling is the greatest player of all time.

    My dog is also called benji 😂 🤦‍♂️

    Great vid Gotham. Btw Kasparov does spend a lot of time in Croatia (Podstrana, near Split in Dalmatia region) and he spent all of his time there during lockdowns so there are rumors that he has moved to Croatia for good.

    Why is there a Croatian flag next to Garry Kasparov's name?

    Ahhh man I just can’t get into chess 960!! I’m just to reliant on theory…which I’m also crap at!!😂👍😂

    The GOAT? As long as it is NOT Hikaru you can pick any of the others.

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