KRAMNIK ACCUSES!?!?!!! – Also Magnus and Alireza games…

Day 3 of the CrunchLabs Masters and Hikaru’s through to tomorrow where he’ll play Fedoseev in Div 2. He recaps Kramnik vs Svane, Fabi vs Alireza and Magnus vs Nepo July 19, 2024
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#gmhikaru #chess #vladimirkramnik

%1$ Comments84

    Iโ€™m with you Hikaru! Youโ€™re right! But give that man some respect. He was World Champ! Maybe he got a little crazy after playing chess for so many years. Just let it be buddy!

    FIDE should consider the "ACCUSED BY KRAMNIK" title in their lineup. Should be above FM.

    Fabi n alireza's game exact as abasov's game ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    one in every 2 or 3 players on lichess chess cheats these days… if you load stockfish16 against a suspect cheater and he maintains draw position for more than 10 moves(their rating at 1600-1900 range)… maybe kramnik is practicing in lichess

    I get it vlad is not 100 percent correct but people disrespecting him is just so sadd.. bro's top five player of all time has a great history nd ofcourse "Kasparov hunter"

    Like Russian Army in Ukraine, dude stick to chess๐Ÿ˜…

    Kramnik seriously has to go back to being an IM(Insinuation master)

    So the moral of this affair is that Kramnik is a sore loser?๐Ÿ™„

    That's the most rewarding prep I've ever seen, so cool

    Alireza spent 90 seconds debating whether to take the rook, Fabi sac'd the other rook in 5 seconds, lol

    I've seen this exact game somewhere in the past and is also a from gm who lost in 9 moves

    we need Vladimir Kramnik vs ButtPlug Hans Neimann

    Hikaru referencing Russia vs Ukraine reminded me of Karjakin for some reason… ๐Ÿ˜น

    Kramnik is like Caligula , an emperor of Rome but still an idiot nonetheless

    Welcome back everyone for taaaaahdaaaaaaaaaaaaays video

    I understand all these low rated people in comment who support Hikaru. But how many top chess players publicly said something about Kramnik? Seems like not many if any at all.

    Fav part "welcome back everyone for todaysssssssssssssssss video๐Ÿ˜‚โค"

    Vlad single handed saving on-line chess from scumbags.

    Seeing that game and understanding that it took place over the board, I'd say you were right on Kramnik. His opponent has nothing to be ashamed of despite Kramnik's accusation, and should laugh rather than defend themself. I thought it was funny, hearing that Kramnik called for a Fair Play investigation. It's a different kind of emotional response. It falls short of being rage, but it's the same refusal of the outcome ……………. Instead of blaming Kramnik, it is the Chess authorities that are to blame – for permitting or enabling unsporting conduct. Better rules and enforcement and the whole of Chess will be clean.

    Vlad thinks he is the best chess player to have ever lived, and therefor anyone who plays better than him in any given match is a dirty cheater, and the whole chess world is out to get him. It's obvious isn't, no one could ever play better than him.
    At this point if i were someone like Hikaru i'd do a Magnus and just resign after playing 1 move against him. There is no way to win, either you lose or you get blasted and accused of cheating.

    3:46 is it not possible to move your king to stop the promotion? You'd still be losing big time but why try to force more moves to piss off your opponent before the next game

    I don't understand who cares what Kramnik says, the guy is just a bad loser, anyone who beats him is a cheater๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    WTF dude?!!!

    oooo i lost and now i'm gonna whine about it like a little bitch.

    *Magnus just existing*
    Hikaru: very good move thatโ€™s why he is the best player in the universe

    "My first reaction was Kramnik lost or something was going on" absolutely correct every time Kramnik "does the procedure" he lost or drew a game he thinks shouldbhave won.

    In the fabi game, can't king just go D8 after pawn c7?

    Stop whining like a child, Hikaru! If you don't like playing by the rules, why don't you quit chess? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Kramnik is a huge cry baby. Such an arrogant personality and cant accept a loss like a gentleman, instead always cried wolf when outplayed. What a disgrace to the game heโ€™s become.

    "Much like russian army in ukraine", i like that, have a sub

    There needs to be a parental advisory tag on what Caruana did to Alireza

    Most funny moment, was about russian artilery ๐Ÿ˜€

    Magnuson's knight on g4 had a ridiculous number of targetsโ€ฆ3 pawns, then the rook and the queenโ€ฆ.pure destruction.

    I donโ€™t care if Kramnik was the former world champion. Heโ€™s a pathetic sore loser blinded by ego and delusion. The complete lack of sportsmanship and inability to lose with grace has tarnished his legacy to the point of it becoming worthless.

    Amazing video. Its insane to think he does these live

    eventually kramnik will cheat and get caught ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kramnik wanted to upload his list of cheaters to the server and, in the process, broke the entire internet into BSOD

    Is there ANY Code of Conduct in the chess world that Kramnik HASN'T violated?

    Why the hell hasn't the FIDE disciplined him? Former champ or not, he's a disgrace, a pathological liar, and brings the entirety of chess into disrepute.

    Hikaru: White has a big advantage as you can tell from the eval bar

    Eval bar: 0.0

    11:10 – "… running out of artillery, ammunition, much like the ruzzian army in Ukraine…" – bro, kudos to you for this line, appreciate your words! Respect from Ukraine!

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