KRAMNIK ACCUSES!?!?!!! – Also Magnus and Alireza games…

Day 3 of the CrunchLabs Masters and Hikaru’s through to tomorrow where he’ll play Fedoseev in Div 2. He recaps Kramnik vs Svane, Fabi vs Alireza and Magnus vs Nepo July 19, 2024
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#gmhikaru #chess #vladimirkramnik

%1$ Comments84

    Kramnik has gone from an oddity to actually doing harm to people’s lives…

    Obviously you don’t know geopolitical and war situation in the east so stick to the chess 😂

    It was 12 years ago I was at a St Louis chess tournament cookout… Kramnik was there, along with a bunch of other fans, some chess players, some staff and even some female hanger-ons. Everyone was eating bratwurst. There were kids playing frisby nearby, they threw it very hard at Kramnik. He got hit in the head hard with a frisby, he actually fell down and went unconscious. When he got up he was yelling at the kids waving his finger in their face, saying they should be punished and how would they like to be wacked with a frisby. One kid was crying. Some of the adults told him to back off. But I've noticed that ever since that event he's been off mentally. Kramnik got hit in the head hard with a frisby.

    You should stick to chess coz you're just a media simp concernung Russia/Ukraine and NATO's war against Russia.

    sad that a former wc is turning this into his legacy.

    Never play Magnus. Never cheat against Kramnik. And never never ever ever prematurely attackulate against Fabiano!!!

    I think Alireza fell for a trap that Abasov played not too long ago

    It goes beyond just disrespect from Kramnik. This is egregiously unsportsmanlike conduct. Until he cleans up his act, tournament organizers should not invite him to events.

    Kramnik as the Mad King: "Accuse them all!"

    this comment of ‘russian army in ukraine’ is so unneeded, coming from a stupid uninformed american. This guy should be cancelled already

    Nakamura, Svane means 🦢 in danish. You want to say his name with an english twist just Swan plain and simple. Forget the ‘e’ in the end. Swain or svain just sounds annoying..

    16:41 thanks for speaking up against these asshole players. Not many of the top players have the stones to do it. Props.

    I thought Hikaru was really funny this video. "Bro Fumbled" or "Like Russia in the Ukranian war, he is simply out of artillery". Not every day you can make me chuckle twice in a video!

    Agree that Kramnik needs to be sidelined at this stage. He’s lost all credibility a long time ago

    Kramnik should just be banned from chess lmao

    "I demand a fair play investigation!" = he lost

    i really wanna see kramnik got punishment for his accusations. he is very out of line right now.

    Love your videos! Thank you for making chess fun and creating entertaining content that is also very educational. ❤

    All this talk about that dude but Fabi committing manslaughter OTB

    The only person Kramnik has not accused of cheating at this point is his wife.

    Hikaru acting disappointed because of baseless cheating allegations is so ironic lol

    Kramnik it's a crazy man. Idk why him is there

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