Kramnik Continues Attack on Hikaru!!!!
The next day, Kramnik went even further on his blog on about Hikaru having “interesting” stats and he says there will be MORE!
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#gmhikaru #chessdrama #cheatinginchess
this boils my blood so fucking much
i used to be a professional junior player and i AM from the same effing country as Kramnik or Dubov let's say
and i for some reason have always appreciated the player Hikaru is but some years ago i discovered his personality and not just games or in-game persona AND i like this man and all those accusations seem so delusional and unfair and mathematically wrong i just can't
maybe i'm wrong idk really
If you do not know the difference like 2,3 and 2,30 stay away Math. Simply Only play chess .!!!!!!!
Damn, someone get Kramnik his prescription.
If kramnik doesn't get his ego in place and attitude he will be the next Fischer.
2,800 at chess; 500 at maths 🤣
How do they even know a 3300 guy cheated ?
Below one percent by how much? 1% still means its expected to happen every 100 games, so everyday for somebody playing nonstop…
Huh, I guess you really don't need to be smart to be good at chess
11:30 Адам МіЦкевіч just ts sound missed
He's mad cause no one checks his games!🤣🤣🤣
I find it funny that Kramnik said people that don't think Hikaru is cheating is low IQ, yet he can't spell Caesar correctly
lol you won in those 46 games of course thats going to be the dataset. why would they take into account other games. you also have no knowledge of statistics and math. just stick to playing chess.
russians and their unresolved issues of inferiority. That "nation" should stick with potato picking. The fact that any russian is allowed on international stage of chess, after all the cheating on almost every sport area, is a disgrace of chess.
Friendly Reminder : Add Bacl2 in a Sulphate salt solution it will form white ppt which is insoluble in all dilute mineral acid
23:02 this magnus quote was too funny 😂
The shoe is on the other foot now for Hikaroo. I remember the frenzy he was in talking non stop rubbish about Hans not too long ago. It’s ironic that here he is now in a frenzy defending himself. It’s also ironic that he won’t see the irony of it all, OMG
Yeah, I don't know man. Hikaru cheating would no doubt be the most insane story in chess History, it would probably make international headlines on major news broadcasts. So I understand the allure some may have.
Where this "accusation" falls short, is that the claims – and the "evidence" presented to support them – appear to be limited to a singular, specific unbeaten streak of 40+ games… and his corresponding opinion on the statistical likelihood of it happening. In a nutshell, it's all based on his opinion that cheating is the only reasonable explanation for the win streak.
Without even looking at the math, or analyzing the actual statistical likelihood of it happening based upon the elo of players involved, number of games played per month, performance ratings, etc… it's already quite obvious that this is nonsense. Hikaru plays almost all of his games live, with thousands watching and even more afterwards on YouTube. He's already multitasking by engaging with the chat, and rambling nonstop (it's almost annoying at times – I have to mute him when watching in bed). He explains the logic behind his moves and his thoughts during certain crucial positions, and we've seen him make huge blunders. He also points out blunders during his games that his opponent missed out on – while the game is still going. The risk vs reward for him to be cheating during all of this streaming… while actively recording his "crimes" and posting them online for the world to analyze at their leisure, is just nonsensical.
Not to mention, he's already "opted in" to added security measures that hardly any other streamers participate in, such as having the second camera angle during certain tournaments (and he does it even during casual play and in tournaments that don't require it) simply to set a precedent and encourage more players to do so.
AND ON TOP OF IT ALL… let us nor forget, this is HIKARU NAKAFRIKKINMURA. The first or second best speed chess player ALIVE, depending on who you ask or what day of the week it is. And specifically online, it's very easy to argue he's the best on earth in that realm. All he does is play chess online. He was doing it way before it was cool, on 90s internet, via the ICC. He's always been "him" when it comes to internet speed chess. He wins every tournament of note that he signs up for. He's got a positive W/L record against literally everyone online except Magnus. His internet blitz ELO is regularly #1 in the world. He becomes #1 elo on any site he makes an account for. Yeah Magnus rolls around here and there to show who's boss, but even with that, Hikaru's become much more formidable in the past 14ish months, even winning the SCC against Magnus finally.
In short, Hikaru's just that good at online speed chess. It's almost hard to wrap your mind around just how dominant he is at this realm… there really aren't any comparisons in any realm of human competitive endeavor, in any sport or game in recorded human history. I'm honestly surprised he isn't more famous – people watch his streams as he's literally re-inventing what we thought was possible for a human to accomplish in chess, and they're just meme-ing and trolling while Hikaru gives half-assed, distracted replies. It's like, I'll pop in occasionally and think to myself "do ya'll realize what you're witnessing here?" Lol. To be fair though, Hikaru does sort of facilitate that energy, the way he's so seemingly uninterested and casual while dominating world class GMs. But again, Hikaru's him. He's the guy.
But back to these accusations… I really don't think we should be surprised that a world class player would attempt to undermine Hikaru's career and tarnish his reputation. Hikaru has a lot of haters, especially in the chess world. And I'll even go so far as to concede that much of it is likely warranted or even deserved.
Even setting aside his disrespectful and toxic behavior in his youth which he admits to, he continues to say things on stream – for huge audiences – that are extremely disrespectful towards certain players, organizations and companies. Not to mention he's incredibly skilled and has made tons of content on adopting and crushing top players, essentially making their legacy "the guy who Hikaru adopted on SCC" or "that one GM Hikaru beat with the bongcloud lol". Keep in mond these are professionals who dedicated their loves to this craft, who take a lot of pride in their chess ability.
And let's not forget the attempt to destroy ChessBrah's career with a petty YT strike, which essentially stemmed from Hikaru being salty over a missed draw offer that caused him to accidentally lose on time. And the countless casual cheating accusations he throws out, usually as side comments when frustrated he isn't dominating thoroughly enough during a match… which can tarnish reputations and justifiably enrage the players who had their name slandered in front of 10,000 live viewers and millions more on YouTube.
I point that out just to emphasize that, after all the animosity & disrespect he has voiced publicly regarding certain players… there's no doubt that many players would like to see him fall. And there's also no doubt that a cheating accusation is the most effective way to destroy a chess player's reputation and career. Like a sex scandal for a famous politician. Thus, it's not surprising that a player would level such an accusation against Hikaru, even if they don't truly believe it… especially if they think they've found a piece of "evidence" compelling enough to at the very least tie up Hikaru in controversy and a stressful, time consuming process of defending himself and clearing his name.
Unfortunately for Hikaru, this is the price you pay for using your platform to indiscriminately disrespect and slander such a large group of very prideful, often intellectual people who have minds specifically hardwired to embrace tactical, strategic warfare. I sure wouldn't want a bunch of professional chess players and organization heads angry at me – impassioned by a thirst for revenge and an abundance of incentive to see my downfall.
Hikaroo needs to stop talking and come clean
I am just happy for Hikaru, easy uploads and clicks 😀
You should do a roulette speedrun where You use A roulette to pick the only piece you are allowed to checkmate with. If You cant You have to give up. This would be fun to watch.
Having to explain simple calculations using coin tosses to a GM of his level is insane
Ι guess Russia likes war even in chess🙊
Even as a 1700ish player that swings up and down by a few hundred points. I can go on a 10 game loosing streak against someone of a very similar rating to me. Likewise, I can feel like I am completely better than a player only a few points below me and feel assured I'll beat them almost every time.
The Hikaru games in question are often with players 400 points below him. 400 points at his level is an infinitely larger gap than 400 points at my level. And even I'm noticing that playing styles mean that you can completely demolish a player with only a few points between you.
My point is… Why does maths even need to come into this? It's game analysis that'll show up cheating. To make the most of Kramnik's caps technique, there are WAY too many variables to simply look at results like these. It's sudo-science. I'm no mathematician, but if I presented these kind of statistics when I was doing my biology degree as a 21 year old, I'd have been laughed out of the building 😂
sad to see a former WC making a clown of himself now in various incidents. blaming keymer, quitting against hans, accusing hikaru… etc etc the list is so long
The chances of life having developed on earth was calculated by a professional mathematician to be about one in a million. The planet is clearly cheating and we don't actually exist.
I hate when people try to use "statistics" to prove stuff in this way. there have been a number of court cases where statistics were also used in a flawed way, which just shows statistics are not intuitive
Kramnik is a beast, he can beat everybody.
Kramnik knows he’s fked so he decided to double down on his absurd claims 😆
People really expect a man that plays through games even after a mouse slip or getting a losing position to be a cheater? I'm sorry, but cheaters just don't have that tenacity in them to play on. When Hikaru streams on a bad day, we see the face of realization at his own blunders and the way he shakes it off. That's why we love Hikaru. At the core of his content is a huge passion and respect for the game– whether it's his game play or reactions to anything chess-related– and it's a joy to watch, regardless of your own personal elo. There's just no way Hikaru is cheating. It's out of character
Kramnik needs an intervention. The nonsense has reached insanity levels. It's even sad frankly.
this probability thing is so stupid the whole rating system is flawed atleast for humans
Thanks to Kramnik, now we know Magnus is a cheater as well as Hikaru. 😂😂
I remember when Putin attacked Ukraine in 2022 there was a title on the front of the Sun magazine : “…WHERE WILL THE MAD VLAD STOP?..”
kramnik not understanding the difference between chance & probablilty is hilarious
Where a russian accuses someone of doing something bad that means that they are doing that bad thing, that what we learned in past couple years.
So weird to see these chess experts use statistics to explain why they lose.. People grind. People have grinded games and got unthinkable world records because of a 1/1000000 chance. Seems very unlikely that such an event would occur but because they also grind the same game a million times then the odds of such an event is very likely..
Maybe they should stick to chess.
If you do something with 1.5% chance of success 100 times, you are 88% likely to succeed at least once.
How stupid Kramnik has to be to actually think the mythical ceiling stockfish is real?
Stop letting the ceiling help you !
Look at his rating chart over the course of his career. He’s clearly nearing the end of his career and is having a mid life crisis to boot. Chess players, like athletes rarely finish their careers near the top of their game.
Do a joint stream with statistician explaining how you farm 2900s
Where is Stand-up Maths Matt Parker when you need him?😂
The drama continues.
Another thing Kramdick doesn’t understand is that Hikaru could hypothetically be losing some of games on the board but still just cheese his opponents on time to win the game. You have to factor that in too.
Hikaru is recieving 'Karma', remember when he destroy Nienmann, now defend your self bro. Suspected of cheating
Hey Kram…study chess and beat those “cheaters” instead of rabbit holing stats about chess players. How do you choose which players to rabbit hole with numbers?
Sad to see my chess hero as a teen was a bitter biatch all this time. I'd defend him vs Anand but Anand has class and he doesn't.
why is Hikaru much weaker OTB Blitz?
All I see in the comments is 'Hikaru is the goat, no way he cheated'. Guy beats everyone 45.5 out of 46, never blunders, never slips in a single game and disrespectfully claims the former world champion is just crazy. To those who don't speak Russian and never watched the most recent Kramnic's interview: there's statistical evidence that NUMEROUS GMs likely cheated in the Titled Tuesday event.
It is soo much deeper than this. All I am hearing are probabilities of binary results (yes or no, heads or tails, black or red). And it's not just 1111111 being an anomalous result, but things like 10101010101, or 110011001100, 110110011000110000, and so on. And that's still just binary results with patterns added.
It's more like balls and strikes. Within balls and strikes you have pitch type, pitch count, batting average, leftie/rightie, men in scoring position, inning, number of outs, speed of pitch, strength of batter, the weight of the bat, the current pitch count, …. "The hard is what makes it great," to quote a great movie. Now, with that frame of mind, now, you imagine a chess match with similar numbers of variables but in chess-y terms. Things like black or white, openings, end games, time to process moves, game speed (1+0, 3+0, etc.), rules of the match, historical game memory, instincts, and on and on. It's still just probability, but it is probability with dozens of variables, if not hundreds, and possibilities that permutate into the billions and trillions.
Now. Now, we're in the world of mathematics, statistics, computers, algorithms, and indeed, multiple STEM disciplines. And calculations that require huge computing resources. With historical chess games effectively in databases throughout the world, it is possible to apply powerful machine learning algorithms to this problem and do so with many more orders of magnitude in precision than a mere human brain can comprehend.
What I'm getting to is that we are a complete fool if we think we can whip out a spreadsheet and a calculator to solve this problem. Leave that to the experts. Instead of calling out players with anomalous performances calculated from a spreadsheet, audit the auditors. It is up to them to provide the transparency in methods and results they're using to keep cheating in check. And, up to the community to peer review and GMs to weigh in on the analysis and interpretations of the anomalies.
It's insane how people think Hikaru is cheating when he is looking at the ceiling and saying "if he takes, I take take take then take again check take take check checkmate"