Lazard Gambit – Chess Opening Tricks & Traps #shorts

Here’s a cool little chess opening trick to trap & checkmate your opponent in just 6 moves – Lazard Gambit.
#chess #chesstalk #shorts #jeetendraadvani

%1$ Comments200

    Bro "can you mare me in 6 moves" is crazy

    Imagine a person don't know about chess and you tell them "can you mate me ?"πŸ’€

    Me in 6d first what anyone can do with me.

    But it's not mate. You forgot the bishop on the other side of the multiverse.

    Meanwhile Magnus Carlson watching this πŸ’€

    95% people who didn't know how to play πŸ’€

    I can beat u because I'm national level chess expert

    What if someone not plays knight at that place πŸ’€
    Hint:- white knight in front of queen

    Nah who TF is interested to mate a guy like u πŸ’€

    these moves never happened in my learnings days too ! almost impossible !

    Pawn bolne ka trika thoda casual hπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Just don't show those acting skills moves are good

    You just gave me a free pawn

    Dirty mind awakens

    Oh no man lol clearly it's a dramatic representation

    No one going to play that knight infront of queen lol

    Chess is family friendly
    wait what did he saying !!??πŸ’€πŸ’€

    Oueen is at right , king is at left! 🀣

    Everyone's gangsta unless there's no horse on d2, then the dark squared bishop might take the horse instead, gaining more momentum and control over the center

    When u are at 100 elo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    "I dont care just get out of here!"πŸ’€

    Who develops the knight that way deserves that

    Knight d2??… The natural development square for knight is c3 not d2.

    Yea because knight to d2 is a every day move

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