Lazard Gambit – Chess Opening Tricks & Traps #shorts

Here’s a cool little chess opening trick to trap & checkmate your opponent in just 6 moves – Lazard Gambit.
#chess #chesstalk #shorts #jeetendraadvani

%1$ Comments200

    doesn't move the knight to in font of queen

    Why you look like Siddharth anand(director)

    Koi knight ko rani ke front mai nahi rakhta hai

    He took 12 moves to do an check mate when he said can you do a checkmate with 6 moves

    Who tf puts knight in front of queen blocking bishop

    No you take 7 or more moves to win 😂😂

    No one plays pawn to h3 after knight to g4

    फोर मोज इन चेकमेट

    Kindly dont add screen fluctuations which makes it difficult to understand

    Noobbbbbb you can cover with all you two horse in the horses was at outpost

    I ain't ghey sry bro convince someone else to mate you.

    The fact its called the “Indian game” 💀

    "That was so silly"
    – Said the guy who develops the knight on d2 to control e4 square

    This trick will only work when your opponent go for the centre

    So have to wait for a guy with white with Queens opening…sheesh

    What if pawn A7 to A6 doesn’t happen and Kn B8 to C6 is played to protect pawn?

    Bro you didn't mate in 6 moves checkmate happens in 7th move 😅

    Nobody moves knight to d2 in 2nd move..🤦

    "Mate me in 6 seconds"💀💀

    If You Know You Know

    Yes, I can definitely mate with you in 6 seconds….. ☠️🗿

    "Can you cheakmate me in 6 moves"

    Processes to play with him self

    i can even mate someone with two moves hahaha I'm a pro

    Frankly speaking in this case I go for queen trap

    And most of the time nobody play such it's only happens 1%

    It will only happen if opponent move the knight in front of king else don't ever do that

    Deaf people: 🤷‍♂️

    Blind people: 💀

    Bro position of both of the kings is wrong


    h3 is a massive blunder and the chance that white will play this move is around 7 %.. more likely he will play Ngf3 or the best one e4
    but even if he makes this mistake, he does not have to play 5. fxe3, instead he can play Ngf3

    1. d4 Nf6 2. Nd2 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. h3 (4. e4 Nxe5 5. f4 Ng6 6. Nb3) 4… Ne3 5. fxe3 (5. Ngf3 Nxd1 6. Kxd1) 5… Qh4+ 6. g3 Qxg3#

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