Lazard Gambit – Chess Opening Tricks & Traps #shorts
Here’s a cool little chess opening trick to trap & checkmate your opponent in just 6 moves – Lazard Gambit.
#chess #chesstalk #shorts #jeetendraadvani
Here’s a cool little chess opening trick to trap & checkmate your opponent in just 6 moves – Lazard Gambit.
#chess #chesstalk #shorts #jeetendraadvani
Nobody would ever put a knight on d2 on the second move. Where is it even supposed to go after that?
In 6 moves you should behave like cj from gta sa withe the gf step 1 go to hotel and kiss step 2 again 3 then have lunch 4 again 5 again kiss 6 you will asked to mate
Bro i was thinking that this is the variation of Intercomnational balistic missile gambit
Now I just want a opponent who plays knight to d7
Lol before your turn i can grab your queen
Before your move i will grab your queen
It is worst trap
Bro opponent never plays knight in front of the king in second move he always play queen 😂lol…all those efforts got wasted
trap is good
acting is pissing me off
it was 9 moves-
Fun fact: There are 120,921,506 total position after 6 moves
Can u mate me in 6 moves
Chess players: ☺️
Mating means intercourse …..
"Can You Mate Me?" 💀💀💀
"In 6 moves" 🗣️
Legends dont know how to play
That's not mate there is knight protecting king 😂😂😂
Nobody plays that knight move
White king went to god😂
Black would be like this is called sacrifical mate😂
Sigma rule
Bro, are you mad? Say checkmate not just mate, it means f**k😢
Trap name budapest trap
Acting ❌Bakchodi✅
You had me at mate!!
No one plays Nd2 on their 2nd move.
I mate you anytime baby
Bros terth reminded me of a shark
Bro please use the word "checkmate" 😂
What abt the rook
I mate in 4 moves
"Can you mate me in 6 moves"
Mate me in 6 moves 😂 that sounds so dirty
You don't need six moves to mate someone, there is only one,if you know what I am saying💀
this is wrong, usually we play the pawn in front of king..
Its tennison gambit
If opponent is beginner then only
Instruction unclear : My opponent is 🤰
Over action 😡
I seriously liked his acting…
The knight is there though
And then he sacrifices THE KNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
अगर उसने अपना घोड़ा क्वीन के सामने न रखा होता तो क्या करते?
guys btw the proper way to defend this is to go knight h3
This trap don't work on anyone has brain 😂😂😂