Learn to Play Chess Today in Less Than 10 Minutes

Learning the basic rules of chess is easy. The chess universe is a board of 64 black&white squares. The entire point of the game is to force the opponent’s King into a trap he can’t escape from. That’s called checkmate. Yeah, sounds simple enough, but first, you have to get to him – that’s something his loyal subjects don’t want you to do. They’ll be working on protecting their king and going after yours, all while trying to capture as many of your pieces as possible.

Capture means the other person’s chess piece lands on one of yours. If that happens, your piece is out of the game, finished, bye-bye! So, do you want to join in and learn the basic rules and even some winning tricks and techniques? In that case, this video guide is what you’ve been looking for. By the way, when playing chess, you have to plan your path to success, but also try to predict the other guy’s strategy! What a brain workout!


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%1$ Comments691

    when chess pros sees this: HmmmMMMmm seems promising

    Finally my chance to learn 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟

    we the early squad. we all got here in about 3 minutes or less

    To the 1 person reading this: "Your cool and *adorable stay *safe"*…

    I pray anyone that sees this is successful in life 💰

    To the early squad reading this: sending virtual hugs to everyone who need it Always stay safe read my name .

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