LEGENDARY 1000 Elo Chess Game

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%1$ Comments792

    7:10 gotham screamed so hard, the eval bar went DOWN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


    But for real though, even 1000 players won't have 55 blunders.

    1000's don't play like this. You never get hanging queens with 1000's.

    7:41 "Black is playing like a grandmaster"
    He has the GM title xD

    2:46 why you suprise when you see the game of 1000's player? they didn't enough knowledge about chess. so enjoy it and don't be serious. No offense

    My guy played the hyper accelerated dragon as white.

    YES this is the first time I figured what the "GUESS! THE! MOVE!" is with totally blundering black's queen to the rook on f1-f4.

    As a 700 this hurt me personally when they hung their queens

    I would never have guessed that ending in a hundred years. Did the victor even see how he won? xD

    There should be a version of chess where if you choose to hang a queen, the other person has to aswell on the second move. Would make for some interesting dynamics

    The end game is the best! I haven't had that much of a laugh for quite sometime.

    Gotham on crack is funnier than most shows today

    “You have 10 guesses”
    Me: Black hangs the queen
    Black: Hangs the queen

    I am big fan of yours, but why do you show my game?

    I love the power bat on the left just getting dizzy going back and forth

    "You solved the problem, now you have TWO problems" – summary of my chess games so far.

    _ Sgt. G A R Y R O A C H S A N D E R S O N says:

    tbh . im rating 250 and when i play in this range there not much blunders as this video😂😂😂. 1000 rating is dumb 😂😂😂😂😂

    11:11 "En Passant is not a forced move." Now THAT is what I call $100,000,000 slander!

    19:31 shut the f*** up, it's mate with a pawn, it's the gm level))))

    I’m at 500 Eli even I don’t mess up that badly

    lmao i am higher than gotham was at my age (on one of my accounts im 1600 the main is like 900 for some reason idk)

    13:23 i gussed correctly because my first thought was of getting the pawn

    as a low Elo player (1251), I can confirm that the idea of pushing the the H pawn is to hope that the other guy is an imbecil and takes your pawn with something that will be yummy to the rook. 🤣. This leads to the rook attacking black's H pawn and threatening mate with the queen if you can get her there without the other guy noticing somehow. 🙃

    This was the best postmortem of all times.

    I just lost brain cells after watching this video, I mean those two play

    TuxedoGamerPro63 🏳️‍🌈⃠卐 says:

    In case anyone needs to roast someone, take this gift:

    Don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + ho mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + repelled + get a life + ok + and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn’t laugh + you “re” + grammar issues + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio agian + final ratio + problematic

    wait… do you think white realized that he checkmated the opponent or he is still wondering why the game ended one move before his pawn promoted to queen?

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