Levy Finds A Brilliant Move!!
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#chess #levyrozman #gothamchess
If knight would have taken the queen it was a checmate with rook h8 😮
Did he see Bxf6?
Question, why can't the kid just take the queen with his knight?
Black's Knight could've took white 's queen easily
Get rekt
Just take a moment to appreciate this kid who was destroying levy
If that kid takes the queen with Knight then the next move is checkmate, Rh8 leads checkmate cause bishop is defending that rook and knight is protecting g6 square.😊🎉
Imagine not take Levis Queen it the horse….
Crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room of rats and rats make me crazy, crazy I was crazy one they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room of rats and rats make me crazy, crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room of rats and rats make me crazy, crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room of rats and rats make me crazy
Bro Toni is so shock😂
Everyone Who doesn't know why tani didn't take the queen should never play chess again
How is that a brilliant!!
And then he sacrifices THE ROOOOOOOOOKK!
this is brilliant because after knight takes, rook to h8 is mate.
If he could see it that quickly how did he not realize it beforehand 😂
My stupid 1500 ass could not figure out how it was remotely winning for white until I saw the rook snuggled away in the corner
He could’ve took his queen with his knight
Kid could've taken out the queen if he had even half a braincell or ignored the rook and played king g7 and he would have had a shot.
I'm only 1380 elo and even i saw that in a second lol 😂
Why note take the rook withou sacrificing his own?
Why take with rook?
When levy killed the night there was another night that could of killed levy’s queen
why levy sacrifices the ROOOOOOOOOOOOK
now I want to know what was black's best move after King h2, in which stockfish said black was crushing
chees is fir nerds like that nerds
Why couldn’t he just take the queen with a night instead of sacrificing the rook
if he takes its checkmate
Why didn't the knight take the queen
Bxf6 is a win like they said, because there are 2 ways to checkmate.
1. Bxf6, Kg8, Qa8, Kh7, Qh8#.
2.Bxf6, Kh7, Ne7#.
If pawn takes f5, its still a win position because levy still do Bxf6.
After Queen E4, why black is not moving his King to G7? Didn't get it.
Why the hell he sacrifices the Roooooook for no reason????
i didnt get it. bro could have took the queen with his knight😂
Why didn't he took the queen with the knight when queen took 1st knight??
why dint he take the queeen
Tani is a gem 💎 in a desert. Not because of his chess skills but because of his skin color.
He could have eat the queen with a horse right? or I'm hallucinating 🤯
How Levy blundered?
Levy sacrificed the rook for nothing, he could've taken the rook with his knight