LIVE Chess Rating Climb to 2025 – Speedrun


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    I guess you don't read your comments because I apologized to you for saying something not so bad and I really thought you would at least read it and say it was okay because your a God fearing man?
    You ether didn't read it or I still don't like any more. 😢

    Once again you have over-commented by two minutes and wasted many needed opportunities. You need more time against the better players because of the 'interesting positions" that appear!

    OMFG if I had a dime for every time my kids have sabotaged a game… I only play any more when there's absolutely no chance of being interrupted.

    Dude those mistakes aren't always yours. They are all that happened in the game. Great games as always btw.

    bro was so dissapointed his kids interrupted

    Oh man I saw that blunder happening in the second game, but screaming at my screen didn't do any good…

    Roy Lopez game you had a free queen trade u missed it . By attack bishop queen takes queen check then your bishop takes queen then knight taken by your queen you missed those move

    4 wins, 1 loss
    At this rating level that's kinda what you expect

    Nice games! Do you ever play the Jobava on your rating climbs? How about the caro kan?

    1:17:12 an idea I had here is Qxe6, which gets the pawn back and defends the bishop. Unfortunately Black can still win a pawn with fxe6 Bxd8 Raxd8 bxc3 Bxf3 gxf3 Rxf3 (note however that Black can't move the queen away because Qh3 threatens mate and wins an exchange on f8)

    It's okay to walk away and say hi to the kids!

    18:39 I love how Nelson goes "OK ykw guys, time to unleash my secret plan" every time the opponent plays openings I hate against him

    Take time to listen to your kids while they still want to talk to you

    Why do you jump to accusing people of cheating? You can say the words "I'm not going to accuse him of cheating" all you want but when you say that what they're doing is weird or "why are they thinking that long" or oh "why are they playing that fast that's fishy" like, my goodness. Sometimes I take several minutes to think of a move and I'm sure others do too. If your opponent's rated over 2000 he's not a scrub. He's bound to find good moves and give you a challenging game. If you have the mindset that any opponent that plays a great move against you is cheating that's going to affect your own play in the game. Just worry about yourself and after the fact you can do your analysis and figure it out. I think cheating is deplorable, but so is being a poor sport (albeit less so). Honestly I learn a lot from watching your channel but this bothers me so much.

    0:43: 📺 The video is about a chess player attempting to reach a rating of 2025.5:52: 🔍 The speaker discusses their moves in a chess game and considers different options for their next move.12:33: 🏆 The player discusses different moves and strategies to gain an advantage in the game.20:38: 🧐 The player is considering whether to allow the opponent to lock up the position with their Knight stuck or break it with F6.28:47: 🤔 The speaker discusses their chess game and the decisions they made during the match.40:52: 🎮 The YouTuber is playing a game and discussing his experience with a razor.50:25: 👑 The player feels confident in their position and believes they are safe from their opponent's attacks.1:00:09: ! The speaker discusses their moves in a chess game and their thought process.1:07:58: 🔍 The player is considering a more aggressive strategy in the end game.1:17:26: 🏆 The video discusses a chess game where the commentator analyzes different moves and strategies.1:23:34: ! The speaker is considering different moves and strategies in a chess game.1:31:36: ✅ The player discusses the benefits of keeping the bishop pair and focuses on active piece play rather than pawn hunting.1:40:34: 🏰 The speaker analyzes a chess position and discusses the potential moves and strategies.Recap by Tammy AI

    Best teaching site on YouTube. Love the strategic thinking. My games are getting better and my rating is climbing

    WAtched 2 games, gotta run but I love this channel. I really learn alot watching you play and hearing you think. Thank you!

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