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%1$ Comments40

    Got to love that game around 50 mins in. Started with the King's Indian and ended up like the Czech Pirc Defence.

    Anyone ever look at the flags of these players and feel sad never to see their own.

    I wonder how many people read the thumbnail properly?

    LOL, I read this for a second, after the fact, as Tilted Tuesday, which would also apply.

    Great job, Nelson! Don't be hard on yourself, you played some very tough chess. Holding your own against a cm for most of the game is no joke. Beautiful win, by the way. Performing under pressure is tough. Don't get rattled.

    I'm like 700, play 1 game, quit for 3 weeks. True tilt lool.

    This should be called "Tilted Tuesday." Nelson tortures himself once a week for the views.

    Shows my level. I read tilted Tuesday 😐

    nelsi's rating actually went up after scoring 4.5/11

    We need this every Tuesday Nelson πŸ‘Œ

    You played great vs these FM! Play again next week, we love the content!

    Name of vid says"TILTED" chess tournament πŸ˜€
    Thankfully the pieces didn't fall off the board

    You must mean "TITLED", but the caption is "TILTED".

    Lol i just realised is it supposed to be titled or is it intentionally mispelt tilted

    This was dope!! Well done NelsonπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

    I just think you are awesome your content is so wholesome 😊

    Respect for putting yourself out there.
    You rock dude

    love your videos man! they brighten my day, you have a great attitude

    Is there any prize for the top 3 of this event? Or is it just 4fun?

    glad to see that nelson is streaming often. It initially started with the rapid rating climb. glad to see him continue streaming

    Well, nice to see some real chess instead of just beating the bottom dwellers. Reality strikes……

    Your time management problems is why you lose or draw.

    I think you had a rook check in the middle game, instead of exchanging all the pieces.

    oh you know nelson was screaming puta mierda after the loss to the ukranian guy. even if he doesn't speak a lot of spanish. that was so painful cause he saw it as he moved the rook!

    bishop on B8 to D7 then to F8, there is no mate, now you can strike at the center. against Truequitos

    I thought you would get tilted. It is one of my weaknesses. I give up and blow it sometimes because I am emotional.

    Wow, dude! So hard to play fast chess against such players, especially when youre panicked.. I just seen this after watching your rating climb which I was totally inspired by… I have to admit though – the gap between you (a great player) and these people was a little scary haha. It is a humbling experience for both of us πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

    It says πŸ˜…Tilted chess tournament πŸ˜‚

    tilted tuesdays are fun to watch for real

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