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#annacramling #chess #streaming

%1$ Comments73

    Others have mentioned this already, but in this match particularly the time management – you should look into it. Watch yourself again from point when you had about 25 minutes and opponent had 15. This was not critical moment, yet you used here 17 minutes of your time.
    Consider looking the time as extra piece ? You had the upper hand but in that moment gave clear advantage to the opponent. Virtually you lost the match right there, cause instead you forcing the opponent to make the mistake because of time, vice versa happened.

    Have a great rest of the tournament ❤

    Sometimes you have three bad games in a row. We've all been there, we just didn't have thousands of people watching us like Anna does. She's doing her best – tournament games are stressful. Let's be a little kinder. ❤

    Think too much. Just play. Waste time too much

    Dear Anna, unlike you, in our house WE don't care if you lose, we just enjoy your videos and what you are doing for the chess world – besides, he was much higher rated.
    You're a talented girl and a great role model for young girls. Thankyou and better luck next game – even tho we dont care 🙂

    1:38:25 Pia on time during a game. This has happened to me too. You don’t realize how much time has passed while you’re thinking of a plan and calculating.

    Sorry Anna, i can not watch 4 hours of chess. Nor could i do anything that long. But i enjoy what i do watch.

    @1:27 a little dude shows up in suit with T-shirt and Levi checks out the child's parent child wardrobe. Naka would have made a facial expression.

    Pia, you came back to the live board more. That's very nice. I am not able to follow your 10 moves /second Chess.

    When is she going to commit? She's fun and all but I'm going to watch Levy go for GM instead.

    Pia, you need to do this all the time, you're a fantastic commentator! I thoroughly enjoyed watching you play the Norway Chess tourney that just ended but this is your new calling

    Time management is important…and so is the middle game.

    Anna te amamos y te admiramos, jugaste espectacular! no importa, a seguir adelante, en las derrotas es donde más se aprende. Ahora tienes que estar fresca como lechuga con todo el ánimo para la próxima ❤💪🏾 eres muy talentosa y fuerte jugadora a no desanimarse, recuerda que la idea es pasarlo bien. 💪🏾💪🏾😊

    Come on Ana, you need to play faster. You blundered a piece because of time pressure. Just when you were getting back into the game. You're better than that.

    Was Anna intimidated by playing higher rated players, there were some obvious moves she could have done without taking so much time.? She's not a bad player, but her approach did not work she tried to be too perfect at every move and that's no possible, especially when playing with the black pieces.
    a) Black: follow white moves (react to it accordingly) and wait for your chance (it will happen); when the chance happens go for it, even if you just get a draw, that's not bad.
    b) White: Just remember, when you play with the white pieces, you're the higher rated player: play like such.

    You're over 2000 its all good! Win lose or draw. 🤗

    Anna is perfect in every way. ❤

    Anna is seriously lacking confidence right now. Needs a win to turn the tide.

    Very sad game. Agree you should be playing 1800 players but still afraid that level is a bit challenging for you in a tournament situation.

    So many basic beginner mistakes including playing with too many unprotected pieces and poor time management (as usual).

    Your game was good, the time crunch was hard for you. Just trust your game you are a great player and I am so glad you mom is live commenting on your game. Thank you for sharing this tournament live. Go enjoy your pizza and blitz games. Tomorrow is a new day. Get enough rest. Go Anna Go, good luck.✌✌💗🕯

    It’s such a tough game. Never quit. You are going to be one of the best chess players ever ❤

    Go Anna! Nice to see Levy(GothamChess) playing in the background too!😮

    Anna's so emotional playing chess. We believe in you <3!

    I'll give her this – the spectacular turnarounds in her games from winning to losing outcomes are great chess entertainment. With the added bonus of Mom watching the horror unfold. Even Anna enjoyed it – she had a good laugh after the game.

    You were winning the whole game until you wasted time. Please stop wasting ANY time on the opening moves, just blitz them out. Its killing us. Pia was masterful at commenting as always!

    Don't worry, Anna! You got this! Have fun tomorrow!

    Muy simple, era el plan con Cb6.
    Juega muy mal los apuros de tiempo, debe de aprender a rematar las posiciones con ventaja.

    Respect love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳❤❤❤

    The copium is real with Anna.
    She copes about “ pre-moving “ irl, she copes with saying she moved too fast while she has 30 seconds on the clock, she copes with playing “ stronger “ opponents when they are only about 100 points higher.
    She wants to play 1800 opponents to win when she’s rated 2060 and used to be almost rated 2200.

    Geez Anna, you lost and f’ed up. Just deal with it like an adult.

    😢 sir, are you lost, but keep going your play so well🙏

    Get back up on the horse <3 🙂 Lets gooo!

    Anna, I hope you don't mind if I am frank about this game, with the best of intentions. I was dismayed when you took a long time thinking before playing 17… Ne8. The obvious move at that point was Nb6, forcing the exchange of a "bad" knight on the edge of the board for a bishop, the move your mother wanted you to make. It is one of those obvious moves that gains a small positonal advantage without requiring a lot time to think about; black has to choose which bishop to exhange for the knight. To quote a legendary world champion,

    “In the beginning of the game ignore the search for combinations, abstain from violent moves, aim for small advantages, accumulate them, and only after having attained these ends search for the combination – and then with all the power of will and intellect, because then the combination must exist, however deeply hidden.” – Wilhelm Steinitz

    What are they scribbling down on the paper?

    What a suprise, anna lost another game, how….

    You lost but it was played beautifully. And you are beautiful

    Anna, listening to your mother is so amazing, but you really should give her some kind of "move alarm", an acoustic signal that a move has been made in the game. Sometimes, almost always actually, she goes down a rabbit hole of possibilities and fascinating as it may be, she totally misses that moves have already been made. At times it can take her up to 5 minutes to see that a player has done a move. She says that she can't see it very well, so maybe some sound, alarm, beep, would help her.

    As Pia also said, Anna wastes too much time in the earlier stages of the game. Even at moments when the next step is not so hard to guess.

    Painful to see you lose. You are especially blessed to have your parents. I love cows. I have photographed many and find them beautiful, especially the Highland and the Longhorn. Therefore whenever I hear "The Cow" it makes me smile.

    This sort of things anna happen because you end up too low on time so your brain cannot make the optimal decisions

    Ana no pudo ser, has jugado muy bien y tu madre se siente orgullosa. Como ella dice te faltó algo de velocidad, esa que entrenas a porrilllo en la web en partidas rápidas. No serán en vano esos entrenamientos para esos momentos donde el reloj te apriete en la fase final de las partidas, ya lo verás. Te mando un abrazo!

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