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#annacramling #chess #streaming

%1$ Comments73

    I personally think yon loss all your gains when you moved Knight to a4 around 2:08:48 timeframe. I thought Knight to e4 would have resulted in a better positional advantage eventually. I suck at chess, so what do I know. I think another pivotal point was around 3:10:15. I would have moved Queen to e4. Everyone said that was a bad move, and maybe so, but I would have moved queen to h4 afterward and risked a trade. This is why I suck at chess, maybe, but I think those two moves would have resulted in a better endgame.

    I think your problem is that you fall back instead of taking risks for positional gains. That's just my theory. What do I know? You are better than me, I'm sure, lol.

    Honestly, Annas time management is such a problem – I'm cheering for her but it's absolutely frustrating to watch. Without this pesky issue, she would easily have more consistent performance results. She has shown multiple times that her chess understanding is good.
    I don't know what it is but her decisions with regards to how she spends her time is often irrational. She spends unnecessarily long time on what she even admits later in her recaps are obvious and non-critical moves and she tries to be a perfectionist even at times in the game where the clock indicates that she should be more pragmatic.
    By the time she gets to the endgame, she's so low on time that all her previous perfectionism gets ruined by preventable blunders and decision paralysis.

    The past 3 games were so stressful even for an audience like me. Chess is hard! But anyway good luck and all the best for the upcoming games!

    Pia, you are the best. I feel bad for Anna, but not all is lost. Im sure she will make it. ❤

    Anna, honestly. Stop this nonsense. There was NO reason to wait 20 mins for damn Be2… I am sorry, but I am a bit angry, because at the end of the day I am watching/spending my time for enjoyment, and you have great skills but you are NOT using those great chess skills. Why ? Because when for EVERY game you leave yourself ONE minute for like 30 more moves, then one of them STATISTICALLY will almost 100 percent be a blunder, and here we go. One more game concluded – it had nothing to do with luck or your chess skills – it was only a showcase of how one can play still a lot of moves under a minute in a tournament. I mean I know you mean well. BUT, at the end of the day this becomes clickbait. If you manage your time like this – you are NOT playing in this tournament. You really need to play FASTER. It's all psychological. You must be less ADHD in your thoughts, because I know how it works – you try to find a satisfactory enough reasoning to make a move at what you think is a critical moment. And when you can find it, you keep searching, but you are the demon to please (to find a satisfactory enough reasoning), so you need to change strategy of thinking and force yourself to play faster…

    "I cannot explain it", oh wait I didn't have enuff time again You don't need an easier opponent, you played a great opening but sort your time management if u want to be a GM

    I don't believe anybody can be a vlogger and improve their chess rating. Like anything else in life that you wish to become good at, chess requires a lot of study and dedication. It seems to me that Anna is primarily a vlogger who plays chess as a hobby. People such as Nakamura were already extremely strong players before they became vloggers. He was a grandmaster at age 15.

    Keep your chin up, Anna. You are a very talented chess player! Don't let a couple of tough losses get you down. 🙂

    There are many more problems than just time management. Lack of opening theory and options, over extending too early, poor end game theory.
    She has said many times she will address some of these, as well as the time issue. But never does.
    She is a great entertainer though.

    Anna just doesn’t have what her parents have it seems.

    Your time management is improving Anna! You kept your time close to your opponent’s until 15:00. Even in time scramble you found some brilliant moves. Keep your spirits up Anna!

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