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#annacramling #chess #streaming

%1$ Comments57


    Finally you ended up with more time than your opponent. Great ! time

    Using 90% of the time to make the move you were always going to make 🤦. "I think I played time management very well"
    You have got to be kidding!

    Yes,Expanding calculation and good perceptions!! Comes from your internet chess 😊

    Anna always reminds your mom thoughts when youre playing😊

    I think mind reflection in internet chess is similar on the board games..just more reflection on the board equally😊😊😊

    PIA thank you for being exactly the way you are.

    Whooo! Let’s go Anna! Amazing game. I’m super impressed with your time management here.

    I want a chess t-shirt that says "I have no idea what is happening here!"

    If Anna is reading this. A challenge…Hair up the whole game. Jeans and a sweater with no lipstick, eyeliner, or make up and a shower and deodorant but no perfume, shampoo but no conditioner.

    I would like to protest that about every 5th chat input (whatever its called) refers to Anna's obvious positive personal appearnce. With "hot",,"beutiful","foxy", "pretty", etc. all the words they hated being called way back before Mary Tyler Moore, I Am Woman, Peggy Lipton with no comment on her appearence effects the other player.

    i cite real time examples of how she uses her appearance, particularly her hair and how she plays with it all the time in ways that society would refer to as "Flirting" along with that thing she does with her arm, holding it up for a long time like she's hovering over ready to go in for the kill. And two people called it creepy……

    I am offering rule changes that beautiful women are mandated to either have their hair tied up to remain tied up until the game is over or penalized a move for every time they use all they play with it including intentionally wrapping it around their neck or what Anna does sometime holding it entirely up to her chin. Maybe is she spent more time learning how to play chess and less time watching Hallmark, GAF and soap opera pretty actresses she might not be heading to a sub 2000 rating with another loss and not to dress to super cool like women tend to want to look, while guys just look like shit. she should dress normal and not like she is heading to a board room. If the guys look like shit so should the women. Women want to always look great everywhere they are, while guys generally dont care at all.

    Yesterday ten year old looked like he was going to faint at times.

    CONGRATULATIONS from an island off the West coast of coast of Canada.❣

    what a lovely family! all have the same interests, and equality in the family, even Pia is above her husband in achievements. Still, I am not saying that she is above anyone in the family. this is the kind of family it should be. i wish the best to Ana!

    Pia love your commentary but sometimes too much about theories, we are not being able to follow the board.

    I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my chess strategy if I was matched with you.

    Maybe adjust the mic so your mom doesn't have to sit tilted for hours?

    The time scramble at end almost gave me a heart attack,. You played a beautiful game. It was so nice seeing you playing ahead on time most of the game and making really good moves.

    Phew! Excruciating finish! Anna’s mother Pia agonizes as Anna’s time ticks down — will Anna find only winning move Ne4! with less than minute remaining to prevent perpetual check? Her mother was so happy when Anna with only 10 seconds left found only winning move Ne4! Anna’s time trouble makes every game suspenseful to the end! My heart can’t take any more…


    Cutest chess player. Anna isn't too bad either.

    Anna is so quiet, this is like the first time that can't hear her

    Anna was gone from the table forever with her clock running, then lost her time advantage. I think she likes to torture us 😬

    I was stressed with some of Anna’s long thinks but that was brilliantly played good job!

    Yeah, good game. You did really good on time, until you didn't at the end. I think you spend too much time on obvious, logical moves. That's your downfall. The time should be for less obvious ones, IMO. You seem to do better with less time because you are forced to play faster, then your opponent can't play off your time. He was low on time, but had all that time off of you to think of his next move, so it was like he wasn't too low at all. When you got low on time, he had less time to think. That's my impression.

    Yeah, the game was fun. I woke up this morning and said, why not watch again. The timing is perfect for my morning hours, here in the US. I think you should play a little bit more offensively and play more activity with the pieces and consider trades / exchanges a bit more often, but maybe you would play worse under that playstyle. It's good to see you winning. You are much more chipper.

    All in all, was fun to watch, despite the technical problems with the live board. I just starting using Lucas Chess R for keeping track of the board. It's a lot better that way, lol.

    Thank you Anna and Pia. GG, congrats on comeback.

    Please, remove the chat overlay in the video. People are disrespectul and stupid af. It's normal for a streamer to read the chat, but as a viewer, I don't f*cking care about those ***

    That was Great. Only time trouble in end with opponent also low in time…. Progress 🎉 Hope wins keep on comin' . You should win one of these higher rated again , the game to do it is there….

    Congrats Anna! Greetings from Arizona 🌵 Love your mom's commentary. Such passion ❤️

    Cuando Anna termina feliz, nosotros terminamos felices jajajj

    And Remember people… We must take care of the Earth, because its the only place where Cramling-Bellon family lives 🥰 Felicitaciones Anna!! 💪🏾

    Young grasshopper is learning quickly!! 😂

    Very proud of you and the girls like your new top.

    conocerlos es loqu eme encantaria y loque me importa

    Much better game with your time management besides at the end.

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