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%1$ Comments276

    Baydrix New Zealand War Robot Fanatics says:

    Magnus poster on my wall who's the best and fairest of them all? Its Smee its Smee. Smee is me. Smee is me!

    Bruh this is so weird. Somehow I dreamt of meeting gotham and going in a pharmacy to get a picture with him.

    Hahaha 2:00 “Magnus opens with E4…. And he wins, next game” 😂

    First game wasnt spanish right? It was Ruy lopez

    In Fischer Random Magnus Is not the best..2 Championship Lost..he Is a fantastico player but not the best in creativity..

    Hey Levy, @gothamchess, will the copies ordered now in the pre-order period be signed by you?

    I am here to confirm that IM Levy Rozman who resides in New York is indeed handsome

    Maybe Magnus finally learned the Beads opening?

    Is it possible to find online chess competition that uses standard time controls such as G/90, G/120, 40/90/ SD 30 etc. Everything seems to be rapid or blitz these days. 🤔

    Did anyone else realize that in the bullet brawl Hikaru didn’t play Hans Nieman once.

    Does the book can be bought from Italy?

    I am just listening to your videos because I realy love to hear you saying stuff like " AND THEN HE PLAYED A MOVE THAT IS SO INSANE THAT NO COMPUTER WILL EVER FIND . Pawn e5"

    only in Uk that has discount??? how about in third world countries???

    Today is my birthday. Walking home right now. Thanks for the content to walk to 😘

    "New York City rats are of The Norway Rat, or “brown” rat, variety. The average brown rat is 16 inches long and weighs 1 pound, though some do grow to 20 inches and weigh 2 pounds."

    Wait…did someone who is capable of playing blindfolded just ask if it's possible to watch chess videos without looking at the screen? 😂

    I had never heard of the Norwegian Rat before, but it looks pretty similar, at least in the opening, to Alekhine's defense, but you play g6 first.
    And the four pawns setup Fabiano played is one of the main lines of theory against the Alekhine. I played it some awhile back, just to add a tool to the toolbox for when I wake up with a case of the eff-arounds. 😂

    I was waiting for levy to say that Two Things in the world are still True:
    No.1: Magnus Carlsen is the best Chess Player on the Planet and….
    No.2: I still beat Kids….🤣🤣🤣

    when the eval bar says you are losing but you are Magnus Carlsen

    Ladies and gentlemen this video is recording.

    I never thought Harry Potter would be teaching me chess

    Magnus looked more like Hikaru in ur thumbnail lol

    Magnus about to lap Christmas with that Santa picture

    I'm watching this in the future, and I'm sorry Levy, at this point you're only moderately attractive :((

    The part where he said "position" had me dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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