Magnus Carlsen Age 29 vs’s Maximum Computer 25
With’s release of a new 3200 rated chess engine, we see Magnus Carlsen Age 29 face off against one of the world’s best chess computers! What do you think will be the result?
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This is the new chess computer on which allows you to play against a Super Computer to see if you can defeat it! Magnus Carlsen’s play is represented by Magnus Age 29 on the play Magnus App.’s Computer 25 vs Magnus Carlsen Age 29
➡️ Play against the level 25 engine for yourself here:
🎵 Music: Jesse Gallagher – Thin Places
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#chess #magnuscarlsen #chesscomputer
when someone ask me if i can play chess i said "no, i just know the rules" xd
Because the machine got analysed all the movements and its been coded and programmed for years with several chess player's games
If there were infinite possibilities in the game then it would be difficult for computer as well but its limited hence computer analysis best possibilities and probabilities and make good choices/ moves
The computer works on binaries our brains are more analog, so we think in spectrums less in 101’s, so we can make much bigger calculations overall but we aren’t as precise.
imagine these bots with quantum computers in the next 5 years
How he looses, there is no checkmate or I am missing something.
muito ruim filho
what if this ai plays against itself? every time draw?
Рисуют калькуляторы с такими умными лицами 😂
no se si la maquina hubiera seguido la secuencia pero en el segundo 46, el caballo negro come a la dama y si el caballo blanco come a la dama, el caballo negro va por la torre, el caballo blanco tambien ira por la torre pero la otra torre negra lo come, y en el siguiente turno escapa el caballo negro que comio la torre. al final era pieza de ventaja para Magnus.
Sorry for this stipid question, but i'm new to chess
Why did the match end at that point? Didn't look like a check mate
When you plan the future 2 moves with a few minutes of thinking time, and the computer already had the whole game played out in a few seconds… It would be scary to see the future of artificial intelligence😅
Carlen almost did it
Good job
Carlson is weak. Kasparov can defeat the computer. He did it twice before
When i see 0 blunder, mistakes and missed wins💀
5:23 что это было на D1?
Why Magnus didn't take the queen
That bot even had an inaccuracy with 99.2 rating😂
I beat lvl 25 it was ez
According to AI chat GBT, a GM can actully beat a computer, The AI says that chess is actully fluid and even a computer can be beaten from black as human
In order to balance the match, the computer should have been given one minute et Magnus one hour.
i beat the max bot using stockfish lol
Did Magnus lose because he ran out of time or he lost because he surrendered
Question please from a novice. Is this Maximum 25 Computer really moving this fast and beating Magnus? I seen the Big Blue vs. Kasparov, but Big Blue was taking a long time to "think" of moves. Is the technology that much better these days where the 25 quickly beat Magnus?
Chess bot : makes a move
Also chess bot : ah an excellent move
I just beat this engine lol i got it on video
I just beat this bot.
i played 25 times against this engine. and i lost 26 times.
i'd still believe Mereum (the Ant King from HxH) can defeat this AI.
now i have chat gpt to help me
How do you do this?
getting almost 98 percent accuracy against a 3200 elo bot is INSANE. It's easy to get high accuracy against players who are far worse than yourself. But when someone is playing the best line every single time, you need to do the same or your accuracy drops instantly. Magnus is unreal. I want to see him play with white.
Has anyone ever won against it?
Magnus lost to a bot that made 0 "Good" moves.
He can't ever defeat ai?
Well this is a draw, magnus resigned but no one would have won
Bro with that theme tune in the background, it felt like the fate of humanity depended on this Human Vs AI game
At its highest level Chess is Tic-tac-toe. You cannot win. Every game played perfectly will end in a draw. So therefore, in Chess, your only advantage is… your opponents disadvantage. You cannot win. You can only lose.
Some guy on tiktok said a 2200 rated could be maximum so I replied Magnus Carlsen lost to maximum and you think a 2200 rated could win
Interesting that Carlson only lost in the end game. Would have thought that the less pieces there are on the board the easier it is for a human to compete against the machine.
Who would of taken the queen at 0:50
Let me the first to extend a warm welcome to our new AI overlord Masters.
there can be a human that can draw an ai thats for sure
Mad respect for Magnus. He is the winner for me.
In the future people will be celebrated more than AI because it will be too obvious for engines to be accurate or creative.
Well, it's not fair, Magnus didn't have the chance to burn time by fixing his pieces to play with the bot's mind
why he didnt took the queen in move 12?
there’s always someone who’s gon be better than you