Magnus Carlsen Age 29 vs’s Maximum Computer 25

With’s release of a new 3200 rated chess engine, we see Magnus Carlsen Age 29 face off against one of the world’s best chess computers! What do you think will be the result?

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This is the new chess computer on which allows you to play against a Super Computer to see if you can defeat it! Magnus Carlsen’s play is represented by Magnus Age 29 on the play Magnus App.’s Computer 25 vs Magnus Carlsen Age 29

➡️ Play against the level 25 engine for yourself here:

🎵 Music: Jesse Gallagher – Thin Places

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#chess #magnuscarlsen #chesscomputer

%1$ Comments128

    What is the name of this opening(for black)? Looks like the Nimzowits's defense.

    Hey, could I ask what is the sound when the pieces move?

    Why did black not take the queen with the horse??

    Saya pernah pake engine ini untuk melawan di aplikasi high domino dan bisa di kalahkan

    I have very little information about chess so can anyone tell me about the score I think it's a draw but I'm not sure

    3:54 I wonder why he didn’t capture with BXc5? It was right there? I’m just a peasant in comparison to the worlds best so I’m generally asking?

    At this time is it possible to get a draw

    Fascinating how AI analyze every move and making counter best possible move in every situation immediately

    Could things have gone differently if magnus was white??

    It doesn't matter how long you think for the best move. Computer will response immediately with the best move possible.

    I've been playing against the computer everyday and I think it may be wearing on my mental health

    It would be great if the AI would coach it's opponent as it bests them… Like Darth Vader did to Luke in Empire

    do these bots work by playing out the rest of the game with each move, then comparing the results and deciding which is best, or is simply an equation/formula learned from previous chess games like AI?

    Magnus tarihin en iyi oyuncularından fakat bariz hatalar yapmış anlayamadım

    Can we try maximum chess comp vs maximum chess comp?

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