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%1$ Comments396

    Or, in the immortal words: Ball don't lie.

    Another day, another victory for the og

    Already laser beamed & vaporized by Levy's stare.

    I feel like I caught covid watching this vid. Ugh winter. Get well soon sir!

    okay. so, why is Nihal Sarin from Zanzibar? XD

    Today I got my first ever BRILLIANT move! So, I’m going to like my own comment.

    The love in levy's eyes when he talks about magnus

    Do you think Levy sent Magnus a fangirl birthday card? Also Levy, you are beautiful!!!

    I love how every Magnus video has a image that looks like a endgame poster

    Hey, Gotham, can you make a video about the benoni defense? e4-c5 something. For black? thank you

    I actually like having the annotations on every once in a while — it helps show that even 3000+ elo players aren't necessarily just copying computer top recommended moves, at least in speed chess. Also helps show that moves the computer dubs a "mistake" can still be strategic or turned around into wins.

    Kramnik is waiting for u Gotham…or r u afraid to face him??

    Watching a GM miss a fork is always interesting

    Another day , another victory for the OG.

    Petting a dog while playing chess should prbly count as some sort of psychological doping

    Levy:- magnus makes history!!!
    Kramnik :- hmmm very interesting!!

    Wow he went on a streak, better watch out for Kramnik's next big accusation against Magnus. At least that means more content for Levy

    Kramnik has inveted you for "conversation" on your youtube channel.

    I whish you all the best cause of covid. Get well soon. I lay in the bed, watching chess videos cause of covid 😅

    This was Magnus proving Kramnik is full of it.

    me trying to learn in gotham video….
    Magnus Carlsen playing e4 g4

    where can i check tuan minh le stream against magnus ?

    Now that's what I call interesting … XD

    So kind of magnus to let levy on his channel

    Gotham pls stop making thumbnails like that its enough.

    so shocking that the "vaccine" you hoped others would lose their jobs over for not taking did not protect you. Make sure you sign up the next booster though, 5th one will be the charm

    Can you explain why you think it's better and easier to play on a computer rather than a phone ?

    Dude needs to make a video on 5×5 chess

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