Magnus Carlsen vs Alireza Firouzja | Full Game | Watch until the end | World Rapid 2021

The game between Magnus Carlsen and Alireza Firouzja was the much anticipated clash of the World Rapid 2021. Magnus arrived 40 seconds late to the game. Was it psychology or was genuinely late to the game? Was this time deficit going to affect him? Alireza played the fighting Caro Kann! Check out the video to find out who came out on top!

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%1$ Comments900

    Why he resigne can someone give me explanation

    He acts like he has never played Caro Kann before.

    I need someone to dumb it down for me to understand chess

    Hi, I'm a beginner, so I want to know what you guys all think about this:
    the right guy, couldn't he take his bishop (D6), and bring it to G3 and then take the king at 09:09 ? Looking forward to an answer 🙂

    I was over it when Alireza didn’t take that F4 pawn. He was too buy guarding the king and queen that most of his pawns were useless lol.

    I'm new at chess so I dont know much. How did Carlsen win? Did he even check? Did the other person give up? I dont understand

    8:37 Black Pawn to F4
    White Pawn to F4
    Black Bishop to F4
    Check and Black Bishop to C1

    I wish there was a way to CAT scan Magnus's brain for the first 3 moves. He's taking FOREVER. It's surreal. He's late, calmly takes off his mask, adjusts all the pieces, drinks water, stares off into the middle distance…why not pull out a hangnail too? You almost expect him to lean back, shut the eyes, loll the head to one side and snore! His brain is not like our brains. He's gone cosmic — hooked up through ethereal tendrils to the thoughts of the universe, Winning at chess has become like breathing…in your sleep.

    World « Rapid » 2021, yes that must be that…

    Can anyone explain why he gave up. I dont really get that..

    I am a legend. Tell me who won? 🤣

    Ever kenetic nazka lines faster.
    Check ✅
    Noted I
    🚫 Nothing.

    ✔️✅ check out.
    Big bang theory applied migration map check ✅

    Game of death
    World 🌎

    Menuju langkah ke 3 kenapa lama banget ya Magnus Carlsen menjalankan catur nya 🤔

    I don't understand why the opponent resigns. He was down 1 pawn in material. I would have played the whole way and who knows, maybe Carlsen makes a mistake. In sports, you don't just give up because the opponent or team is better, you battle it out and who knows, a miracle may happen.

    I’m confused, that wasn’t checkmate? Was it just clear he wasn’t going to win so he surrendered? This is literally the first professional chess video I’ve watched please don’t roast me

    I just finished my isklar water cause i was taking the plane before i saw this

    I really don't understand how did he won the way i see it he could escape that. Someone educate me howwww?

    i am sorry, i am a complete noob and i want to understand the game properly.
    there is a move by Alizera where he moves the king to G8 and the tower to F8 on the same move. Are there different rules about Rapid?
    Thank you in advance

    At the end that could not have been checkmate because black king could move to square H8. And I am no professional but I do not think they ran out of time

    Can somebody explain who won I am learning this game and I just couldn't understand what happend in the end

    Firouzja was basically eaten alive, destroyed in pieces, stripped of all his clothes, total devastation,absolute annihilation…

    I am not a chess player by any means so don't make fun of me. Couldnt the other dude just move his king to H8? why did he resign? Someone explain.

    Beginner question: Why did the game end? They both had plenty of pieces on the board


    Alguien sabe el nombre de las dos jugadoras de atrás?

    Turn board turn your perspective

    The episode is flip the game

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