Magnus Defeats Hikaru, but….

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%1$ Comments605

    I was playing the Vienna while listening to this; be proud of me father Gotham!

    Magnus just always trains with the handicaps on like Rock Lee and when he drops the weight of the needless moves he makes absolute value out of every move from the beginning

    I want to win against hikaru

    If anything I want in chess is you getting GM

    Not surprised this comment thread is as perverted as the vast majority of U.S. citizens.

    seeing the game as hikaru misses a fork, i can already hear the
    “oh, so bad”

    Hikaru needs incentives to win, throw in a 10k and he´d smash Magnus due to better links to the machines …. some may call it cheating

    magnus aint making any excuses when he goes by going a6 we all know magmus won a lot lot lot lot lot against hikaru in a serious game

    Levy act surprised magnus winning against any gm is disrespect to magnus capability

    What I want in chess? Talent.

    You should sponsor a match where Hikaru & Magnus do a month long 100 game match online where winner of each game dictates time control (rapid/blitz) for next games until next win. Would garner yuge audience

    Gay or not, still a great chess content creator.

    Hikaru and Magnus is like Holmes and Moriarty or Batman and Joker, one can't exist without the other.

    God bless your family and God can help you

    Say thank you God for another day to live please and

    2:15 c'mon let's be honest. You both are just following after Agadmator as he pulls on your leashes

    Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Hikaru is trying to play checkers instead of Chess @ 15:47 ? No? No one else?!

    Tbh answering the first question i would like gothamchess to be permanently grandmaster

    The insult I just got “would it be you finally hitting 500 elo,” I’m dying right now

    Damn you made me laugh with that intro. I've been in a limbo of 400 elo chess for a long time, desperately trying to hit 500. 😅

    props to levy for commentating over begginner chess players

    I still wanna know what happens after Bb2 at 10:00, can't believe he left us hanging like that

    So here's my theory about Magnus and Hikaru…they are actually betting on who can troll the other one the hardest in the opening and ONLY after the winner is crowned can they start playing…
    The only thing that changes the rules is the Bongcloud which is an instant kill – black has to Bongcloud himself and then they draw, or else anyone who disobeys insta-loses and one simply cannot be dishonored like that, they are men of culture…

    My favourite thing about bishop a1 is how weirdly intuitive it is when you know the idea, such a ridiculous move though!

    Hikaru is like Levy but he doesn’t scramble his brains at endgame

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