Magnus = Gotham

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%1$ Comments554

    I like when you look towards the right because it makes a small illusion of you looking at the board that we see.

    Stockfish on Magnus:
    I think this is a 3850 elo player
    Also Stockfish on Magnus:
    Looks 2350ish to me idk

    I found an interesting Magnus Queen sacrifice in 24:08 , where Qe8, rook takes queen, pawn takes rook and promote, then Knight to d7 is check and attack the queen, so you end up trading a passed pawn for a rook, but also loosing your queen

    Lmao Levy asked the chat if he’s looking in the wrong direction

    Levy's camera is inverted, that's why he thinks he's looking in the wrong direction.

    Yes you are looking in the wrong direction. You're supposed to be looking at your lamp so we can see the back of your head.

    Levy once again makin me watch a 26 minute video I understand (generously) 80% of. Intently.

    Dont worry your facing the right direction

    Levy how many times do u get called Levi daily?

    not very relevant, but at 24:44 aren't you missing a forced mate with Qc5? I might just be missing something, but I think Black just can't defend from there

    Can we take a minute to appreciate levy pronouncing these names

    already multiple unhinged sentences in the intro.. great!

    that's the proof of magnus is on same rating with me 🤨

    pumping out Magnus content and i love it

    lmao back on track gd reference

    Dunno about you guys, but im here for the banging

    Why didn't you show the ending of the last game ? Did So resign ? You just don't say anything about it

    “ We will bang until the very end”- Levi 2023

    You are amazing. Do you plan on becoming a gm?

    The sheer skill of this man to be able tomake an amazing 30-minute video WITH NO CUTS is amazing

    I dont know if its strange that I love watching videos about Chess, but I dont play it.

    I'be been drawn toward your videos specifically however, since I know very little about chess, you break it down nicely, easy for a dumbo like me! lol.

    Hold on someone correct me if I’m wrong but I’m extremely confused. At 14:32 if you pause and look at the position, it’s not checkmate. If the white rook moves to F1 to block the attack, then the first black rook takes. Then white takes with bishop and second black rook takes. Now it’s no longer checkmate right? Am I a genius or a moron somebody tell me

    dont forget to make anti-gay comments next time you quote mark jackson as well

    Two Magnus videos in the same day? Levy’s stepping up his game!

    what is it with all these 10 year olds spamming pin of shame to a comment which is obviously a joke.. retards

    Hikaru dissembled the isolated pawn like clock work. The pawn move f5 was brilliant he made a weakness in his own position to create a greater weakness in his own position. Loved his confessional when he spoke about isolated pawns in a game against GM Nick de Firmian.

    “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    Levy I do not think you're using the word 'arbitrarily' correctly :')

    You are looking in the right direction, but the window is on the wrong side, which makes it look weird.

    Levi is a professional wrestler from Romania who covers chess games online and pretends to be gay at gay parades

    yep, for video, you are looking on the other side, and stuff like window is on the other side either, so just mirror the camera and all will be fine 😀

    First thing I noticed was wrong direction Levy

    Wrong direction ….. YOU R FREAKING ME OUT!!

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