Magnus = Gotham
Norway Chess:
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At this point just give magnus his profit from your videos you be farming from him
2 videos a day??
Am I dreaming?
Two Gotham videos, one day?
This is what I wished for when I blew out my birthday candles.
Being around you makes everything better.
youre looking in the same direction, your camera is just flipped
I miss the old camera set up
"And we will bang until the very end" – Levy Rozman 2023
0:53, don't take that out of context
Yes levy, you are looking in the wrong direction
anyone else notice him look behind himself as he said hikaru lol
14 more mins till the vid is 1 hr
At 6:50–7:05 something goes wrong. Either that, or I'm too dumb to follow
After the tournament take a break for couple days because ppl get burned out from chess. So the drop after world championship doesn’t get repeated
FYI your facing away from the window a bit too much! and your eyes are aimed a bit low. Ignore me or take that into account!
3:40 nah man you are looking the same
Glad a big YouTuber like Levy taking a break from famous guys like Frank and giving shoutouts to small chess players like Magnus Carlsen!
Videos 9 hours apart 🤯 I love the consistency of Gotham.
2 videos today? Thank you mate!
The "me push me push, me take me take" seemed like a child is singing a poem!!😅😅
This was the second vid of the day what is going on???
i'm a very complex man. I see a GothamChess video, i click on it.
ur indeed loocking in the wrong direction. it's disconcerting
the video in reversed camera angle got me so confused I didn't even realise that he is in his room hahaha
The intro levyy "chentelmen" 0:01
“Magnus was 2350 and black was 2000”
Poor Wesley 😂
there's a little bit eco in your new position
2 videos in a row?!?! WOW!
Why the window on the wrong side ???
Mate in 6 … i had a hard time to get it: 4r1r1/Q4p2/1ppk4/4p1Pp/2Pp4/1K1Pq2B/8/1R4R1 w – – 1 33
I love how's the tournament website is almost a complete dad joke: Norway chess? No
Hey!! What are you looking at !!! Boards over here <======= !! lol.
Pls do not wear black glasses we should be able to tell if we are watching the old or new gotham quickly.
Make video on anis vs ding why always making video on magnus
Rg8 just shows how confident Nodirbek has become💪👏
Bro, how could you not mention the Hikaru Gukish time scramble! That shit was intense! The whole time I'm like why are they writing down there moves!? Is it a part of the rules or something???
Is this? The second video today? Gotham, you sir are a grinder.
1 – Magnus
2 and more – Magni
Is c4 a free pawn at 1:55
Double post?
Magnus who?
I see those dumbbells 💪🏽💪🏽
looking in the wrong direction smdh😊
I think Magnus going for Erin Jaeger’s hair is season 4.
Gang gang
"we are gonna bang until the very end"💀
plz like comment
gotham love your vids
I love how 2/3 of the video is the intro
I love 20 minutes of an intro