Magnus = Gotham

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%1$ Comments554

    I bet you guys Levy will never see this comment 😀 Keep up the great work, good sir. Your title as the Chess Youtuber GOAT is well deserved.

    9:39 As a GM, I can confirm we all shower with our socks on. 💀

    Love to see my compatriot Shakhriyar Mamedyarov in these recaps

    8/10 stare.
    Nice duration, but the stare was more serious than playful. Maybe because Levy is sad that Magnus got a 2850 estimated rating.

    Love when you skip the video to see Magnus' s game and it says DON'T SKIP HERE FOR MAGNUS
    22:10why didn't you say that magnus sacrificed the


    Bruh, Magnus is disrespecting himself with his Castaway lookin ass.

    levy you're looking in the wrong direction

    I once again ask levy to make 4th wall break and shout at us for skipping to magnus

    Two vids one day!!! You feeling okay??? 😀

    You are definitely looking in the wrong direction.

    Your camera mirrored you, that's why you look like you are staring in the wrong direction. Changed a setting or got a new camera?

    Bro be yourslef mirror the damn camera no need to change your board setup lol

    Magnus is jealous that Wesley had beaten Hikaru

    Ur looking in the wrong direction 😂😂

    Looking in wrong direction, but stare was perfect today

    Wow i've never been on a video posted 10 minutes agp😂

    Today's stare was absolute death stare,i rate this 9/11

    After this made me play my 736th blunder 😃

    He knew what he was doing with those bangers.

    Great! I just clicked on the vid and i got a discord notification about this video

    Mi push mi push mi push mi take mi take mi get king😂

    Only he would notice he is looking the wrong direction lmaooo

    You’re usually looking the other way. You’re welcome

    Levy: Magnus 3850 elo game!

    Lieraly 5 videos later:

    Yes Levy you were looking in the wrong direction, but you never disappoint with your videos

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