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Magnus never disappoints to milk chess..
He’s milking Magnus, Noooooo
Magus Carlson don't worry i your just warming up❤❤
going straight back is bad in boxing too, it's less about takedowns and more about giving your opponent an easy time to continue coming fowards in terms of footwork etc which makes it more likely you'll get badly clipped as you retreat
The only one laughing secretly: Hikaru 😂😂
Bro plz do mention cricket
Its the 2nd most watched sports
"Gods do bleed"
In case you missed Levy saying it, after that first game Magnus said his nervous system collapsed.
I can see why this would be shocking to Levi. This is Levi’s money slowly fading away…
Day 21 of asking levy for a GTE episode
levy has how many million now
I've said this before and i'll say it afain. Most of Magnus' recent losses happen when there is a free pawn/piece and he just decides not to take it, for no reason whatsoever.
Bro again started milking cagnus
Not in football madrid still killing it !!
Wow great chess ! I hope Wei Ye will play the Hong !
'Don't worry, ke will keep putting Magnus'
For futire reference
Frist title was magnus, i suck
Current title is magnus nooooooooo
The games you showed about Wei Yi, it's insane to see that he plays very basic chess, with basic moves, all his moves are very logical, and he is a GM doing that ! Just insane !!
16:54 A certain tennisist might even say that he's good from behind
We all love magnus for caring about levys income
Levy never fails to pretend that game with a designated hitter is baseball.
Magnus uploaded new video yay 😁 !!!
It is actually pretty simple… He started drinking… and he is not hungry anymore… Now, PLEASE don't mention Mikhail Tal… Mikhail Tal was the best ever… he drank, did drugs, and chain-smoked cause his health was doomed from the start, so he could at least get some enjoyment out of life… But he robbed Botvinnik of his title,… and Botvinnik was like Kasparov of the 50s and 60s… Maybe if Mikhail Tal had a healthy body as strong as the mind, no one would ever mention any other Chess player…
Wei Yi is insane, i like his playing style
Even cow has its limits dude
As a person that just took my organic chemistry final a couple days ago, I can say with confidence, that Levy has never taken organic chemistry.
Semi slav . That squats only half way 😂😂😂😂😂
9:14 he is just like you & me 🤣
Lame introduction…😪
If there was a competiton where people milk a goat, levy would win it every time
Can someone please tell me why prag a8 rook didn't take magnus b8 rook 3:18
the mindset to be able to sac the queen and play instictly is.. ULTRA INSTIC AND IDK HOE TO SPELL
Magnus is not a cow ,but Gotham never fails to Milk him .
Gotham is milking magnus like he’s a cow
Tyler1 laughs at such weakness
"It's like a slav that only squats half way" 🤣 😂😂😂😂
😢other chase players making money from their play,
Gothamchess making money from magnus carlson😂
The young lions are hungry and going after the big dog! If Magnus wants to stay on top he must get ready for every bout, sitting at home doing your, "thing" is going to remove you from your throne, as many champions found out! Champions must work hard at their position or lose their edge! Their are many talented people out there, but are they hungry enough to eat the big dog? Having talent is not enough, you must be hungry or you will be the next meal!
magnus be calling levy for the reviews cuz his diamond membership expired
Guys don't let this video distract you from the fact that Wei Yi just won the rapid section by a full point over Magnus Carlsen and then went on to win 8 out of 9 games in the blitz in one day again dominating Carlsen and the field… and no one is covering it
Sounds like Wei, Yi needs to be investigated by Kramnik 😅
please stop with the nonsense about chess being harder than any science. its not go study organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry and then talk
Gukesh getting blasted for someone that qualified for THE championship. Dang.
Faster time controls are brutal
Magnus sacrificed… THE NERVES !!!!!
Levy struggling to think of titles for magnus videos 😂
Are you bagging Magnus now? Magnus comes in second against top class young GM's but somehow this is a sign of his downfall. Does he have to win every frigging match to keep you satisfied?
– Appears in the Chess scene in a blue moon
– Claps Super GMs
– Refuses to elaborate
– Leaves
– Repeat (?)
Wei Yi in a nutshell.