Magnus Plays a 2000 Player

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ilya2700 vs Magnus Carlsen
Titled Tuesday, 7 february 2023.
A40 Queen’s pawn, Australian Defense

1.d4 Na6 2.c4 Nh6 3.Nc3 e5 4.dxe5 d6 5.Nf3 Be6 6.Bg5 Qd7 7.e3 Ng4 8.exd6 Bxd6 9.h3 Nf6 10.Bxf6 gxf6 11.Nd5 O-O-O 12.Be2 c6 13.Nc3 Rhg8 14.Kf1 Qe7 15.Qa4 Kb8 16.a3 Be5 17.Nxe5 fxe5 18.b4 Qg5 19.Bf3 f5 20.g3 Bxc4+ 21.Kg2 Rd2 22.Kg1 Nc5 23.bxc5 Qxg3+ 24.fxg3 Rxg3+ 25.Bg2 Rgxg2

00:00 Hello Everyone!

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%1$ Comments149

    I don't think the check deserves a special name. It is a direct check with a capture of a free piece. The setup itself was far more impressive. Notice how there isn't a good response to Rd2.

    Tough draw getting Magnus. Even if he is drinking, he will crush mere mortals.

    What Magnus did to this 2000 ranked player is probably what that player will do to me. I wasn't thinking I would have a humbling thought to start my day, but what am I going to do?

    I would call it a "pinned" check.
    Edit: I´ve just seen Magnus´ footage and one of his mates actually called it a pinned check, lol

    For a country that dominates seemingly every athletic sport, I am not surprised that Australia's contribution to chess in particular involves a N-a6 response to d4.

    6:57 Call it "The wall breaker check"
    Since pawns are the wall in a war and a piece capturing the pawn infront of opponents king to deliver a check should be called a wall breaking check and such a mate shall be called a wall breaking mate

    Imaging my surprise when the video starts and I’m already wearing my hoodie.

    Very confused about a "D" move until I read the quote… Agad so nonchalant 😂

    Did Magnus stream it?
    Is anyone kind enough to add the link? Thank you.

    Ah yes, the drunken knights variation of the d*** move gambit…

    And its nOw On sEcOnd mOvE thAt pEgAsUs AppEArEd🤣

    Paul is the Greatest Apostle of Christ says:

    I equipped my hoodie for this one

    correction: Magnus didn't lose the first game he blundered a piece in a winning position and had to accept a draw. (idk how I remember this)

    Mate delivered with rooks always feels very devastating. The way they carve the board up in right angles… something so simple, so final.

    I think it is a discovered check.
    The king is in check and the move reveals an attack from (in this case the castle). A discovered attack. A discovered check.

    Haven't watched the video yet but I'm surprised that this video is over 10 minutes long

    Magnus toys with his food for a while before devouring

    Reverse pin checkmate 😂 not even sure if that makes sense 😅

    I don't know about what to call the check, but I call pinned pieces that are protecting important squares gargoyles. They look like they can do something, but cannot.

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