Magnus Sacrifices BOTH Rooks Against Hikaru

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Carlsen, Magnus (2887) – Nakamura, Hikaru (2874)
Nakamura vs. Carlsen | Speed Chess Final ( [1] 2023.09.22
C65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.Ba4 d6 6.O-O O-O 7.c3 h6 8.h3 Bb6 9.Nbd2 a6 10.Re1 Ba7 11.Nf1 Ne7 12.d4 Ng6 13.Ng3 b5 14.Bc2 c5 15.a4 Bb7 16.Be3 b4 17.a5 bxc3 18.bxc3 cxd4 19.cxd4 Bc6 20.Qd2 Re8 21.Bxh6 gxh6 22.Qxh6 Qe7 23.Bb3 d5 24.dxe5 Nxe5 25.Nf5 Bxf2+ 26.Kh1 Qf8 27.Qxf6 Re6 28.Qg5+ Ng6 29.Rf1

Carlsen, Magnus (3318) – Nakamura, Hikaru (3339)
Speed Chess Championship 2023 ( [04-26] 2023.09.22
C46 Three knights, Steinitz variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 g6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Bg7 6.Be3 Nge7 7.Qd2 d6 8.O-O-O h6 9.Be2 Be6 10.Rhe1 Qd7 11.Nxc6 Nxc6 12.Nd5 a6 13.f4 O-O-O 14.Bf3 Kb8 15.Kb1 Rhe8 16.Bf2 Rc8 17.Bh4 Nd4 18.Nf6 Bxf6 19.Bxf6 Nxf3 20.gxf3 Bxa2+ 21.Kc1 Be6 22.h4 Qb5 23.Qd3 Qa5 24.Qc3 Qh5 25.b3 Ka8 26.Kb2 Qb5 27.h5 Qxh5 28.Rh1 Qb5 29.Rxh6 a5 30.Rg1 b6 31.Rg5 c5 32.Rh2 a4 33.Rd2 axb3 34.cxb3 Kb7 35.Rxd6 Ra8 36.f5 Qf1 37.fxe6 Ra1 38.Qc2 Rea8 39.Rd7+ Kc6 40.Rxc5+ bxc5 41.Rc7+ Kxc7 42.Qxc5+ Kb7 43.Qd5+ Kb8 44.Be5+

00:00 Hello Everyone!
01:15 GAME 1!
08:35 GAME 2!

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%1$ Comments209

    I think there was an error around ~8:20. Magnus was down 3 points in the blitz section but tied it up at 10 points before heading into bullet.

    Magnus knew he was winning with that first possibility, he just wanted Hikaru to sweat

    Agad answering a phone call mid video is such an Agadamator moment 😂

    I feel like Hikaru could have won, but in the end he needed to be more agresive, yet he sort of slept instead of playing forcing moves. Its bullet but still it felt sort of natural to play it. So sad for hikaru.

    Hikaru is and always will be one of the best speed chess players of all time but how to miss rook x A2 for the win lol not even the average 2000 bullet player would miss that lol

    i love how he just picks up the phone mid game and doesnt bother to edit it out

    Magnus offering a draw is a show respect for Hikrau.

    What suspense was created by that phone call….!

    What a cool back and forth, I think accuracy of 85% shows how much pressure they were putting on each other (mind games n stuff).. coz if they played anyone else except each other the accuracy would be > 90% and if they played me it would be100%

    Hikaru, and you, missed Ra2, winning on the spot for Hikaru, which he never does against Magnus, 15 years of failure against his blitz nemesis, must be brutal

    Weird that the board sound suddenly turned on in game 2

    Please don't show such bullet or blitz games.

    Magnus crushed everyone except Hikaru, what a heavyweight battle! Great event 👌🏻

    I don't know why people are playing chess just give trophy to Magnus

    Listen if you take a phonecall during a video,
    how about instead of muting 30sec just cut it out,
    whoever edited this video straight up ruined my thought process

    I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that double rook sac. Insane chess from both, but Magnus is the GOAT.

    Goodness that vicious mating attack came out of nowhere it seems!

    Missing the game with the queen sac by Hikaru to win a game. Kinda feel like Agad is too infatuated with Carlsen and forgets to mention good games by Hikaru.

    And they say these two would crush Morphy..

    GothamChess is like buying weed at a dispensary. Agadmator is some stuff off the street from a guy who doesn’t speak English.

    You may be cool, but you`ll never be as cool as Agadmator answering a phone call during the game analysis of 2 GOATs. Long live Agad!

    Double Rook sac promised in the title happens in second game covered

    When these two play, they never disappoint. Hikaru was brilliant; however, Magnus was just a little better. Congrats to Magnus!

    Hikaru with no arms or legs:

    "Alright, we'll call it a draw!"

    Wow magnus is ridiculous. Crazy the mental edge he holds over everyone like Morphy and fischer

    To tell the truth, Magnus was the one proving he's on the same level as Hikaru in this kind of format. These 2 players are equally as strong as it can get.

    Magnus went from Mate in 11 to Mate in 5 flawlessly, then Hikaru offered a draw and Magnus accepted it, could it be he has not seen the checkmate or he did it just from the respect? He had also 10s of time, maybe he didnt want to risk that his calculations were wrong.

    The double Rook sacrifice was crazy!

    Great Video!😊

    Hikari played an incredible game demolishing magnus, will you cover that one?

    The final boss is still difficult to beat

    Agadmator takes call

    Me: 👁👄👁

    God what a final game. Cannot believe hikaru didn’t spot rook a2, but understandable with the time and pressure situation

    Great games advancing the game is what we all ant.

    No champion can be amazing without amazing competitors.

    "Knight on the rim is grim", we hear. Well! How about "grim rook in the crook", meaning in a corner of the board? Hikaru got two of these and lost to brute force assault, see. And he willingly put 'em there, too. Sad, sad panda! %)

    And it is as of move 40 that I had to attend an important phone call

    these two are inseparable. How close are the scores in all these time formats.

    My whole bank account was in the hands of Hikaru. Now I m watching this from prison

    Unless it's Mt Kailash – then there is no route to the top of the mountain.

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