Magnus Sacrifices BOTH Rooks Against Hikaru

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Carlsen, Magnus (2887) – Nakamura, Hikaru (2874)
Nakamura vs. Carlsen | Speed Chess Final ( [1] 2023.09.22
C65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.Ba4 d6 6.O-O O-O 7.c3 h6 8.h3 Bb6 9.Nbd2 a6 10.Re1 Ba7 11.Nf1 Ne7 12.d4 Ng6 13.Ng3 b5 14.Bc2 c5 15.a4 Bb7 16.Be3 b4 17.a5 bxc3 18.bxc3 cxd4 19.cxd4 Bc6 20.Qd2 Re8 21.Bxh6 gxh6 22.Qxh6 Qe7 23.Bb3 d5 24.dxe5 Nxe5 25.Nf5 Bxf2+ 26.Kh1 Qf8 27.Qxf6 Re6 28.Qg5+ Ng6 29.Rf1

Carlsen, Magnus (3318) – Nakamura, Hikaru (3339)
Speed Chess Championship 2023 ( [04-26] 2023.09.22
C46 Three knights, Steinitz variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 g6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Bg7 6.Be3 Nge7 7.Qd2 d6 8.O-O-O h6 9.Be2 Be6 10.Rhe1 Qd7 11.Nxc6 Nxc6 12.Nd5 a6 13.f4 O-O-O 14.Bf3 Kb8 15.Kb1 Rhe8 16.Bf2 Rc8 17.Bh4 Nd4 18.Nf6 Bxf6 19.Bxf6 Nxf3 20.gxf3 Bxa2+ 21.Kc1 Be6 22.h4 Qb5 23.Qd3 Qa5 24.Qc3 Qh5 25.b3 Ka8 26.Kb2 Qb5 27.h5 Qxh5 28.Rh1 Qb5 29.Rxh6 a5 30.Rg1 b6 31.Rg5 c5 32.Rh2 a4 33.Rd2 axb3 34.cxb3 Kb7 35.Rxd6 Ra8 36.f5 Qf1 37.fxe6 Ra1 38.Qc2 Rea8 39.Rd7+ Kc6 40.Rxc5+ bxc5 41.Rc7+ Kxc7 42.Qxc5+ Kb7 43.Qd5+ Kb8 44.Be5+

00:00 Hello Everyone!
01:15 GAME 1!
08:35 GAME 2!

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%1$ Comments209

    How do all these insane sacrifices exist in these positions like that? I constantly look for such moves in my own games and almost never find any. I mean, even the best of the best can't spot them in their games either apparently, so maybe that's why, lol.

    I was shocked he missed Ra2+!! either winning he queen for the rook or a forced mate in 3.

    This silliness isn't really chess. Missed mates and missed winning positions – I don't call this chess …

    yet again Magnus proves he is the GOAT…!

    Important phone call….finished in few seconds😂

    Hikaru could have won on time if that was an option.

    So now we know Magnur weekness. I will fight him in the 1+1 section

    Lack of time impedes judgement for even the smartest and best players in the world.

    Anand vs kasparov 1995 wcc series please

    Very nice game. 👏👏👏👏And great analysis 😊

    only Antonio can make a phone call mid video, this is peak Agadmator

    I like this guy, a call (from his wife probably) is more important to him than the audience.

    Wasn't following the channel for a while. What happened to the sound?

    Hikaru had this game. He had plenty of of time on the clock. If he had only taken 5 seconds to find it, Hikaru would’ve tied the match and they would’ve went into overtime. Hikaru got caught up in the intensity of the moment and forgot to breathe. For all the Magnus boot lickers here, this match could’ve easily have gone either way. Hikaru beat Magnus in this event by one point last year. Magnus beat Hikaru this year by one point. There are really no other chess players that can even come close to Magnus in this format. He pretty much so demolished the field handily. For Hikaru to go back and forth with Magnus, exchanging blows, is utterly amazing and speaks highly of Hikaru’s skill level. Hikaru can be a tool at times, but you would be too if you were as amazing as Hikaru knowing that there’s one person out there that is even better. I strongly believe Hikaru could be world champion if he wasn’t a “streamer” first and foremost. But he’s found his comfort zone. And I’m sure he’s got plenty of money. So streaming is his coping mechanism in a world with Magnus Carlsen. Nonetheless, this was a great match to watch. Both deserved to win. But there can be only one.

    Why there is no piece moviment sound in this video?

    Great channel except when that manchild Magnus shows up.

    Why would he accepts a draw in a wining position?!
    Is that some Magnus Hikaro frenemy relationship?!

    If you can say "speed chess championship champion" three times in a row flawless, you gain 100 elo 🤭

    Regrettably Hikaru didn’t find those winning moves at the end but even if he had they would still have to play another tie breaker Both are fantastic players Hikaru the toughest competition against Magnus Magnus just Incredible Great play by Both

    So Hikaru first agreed to a draw and also resigned the same game

    I appreciate the context of their record against each other, head to head.

    Magnus disrespecting Nakamura here by gifting him half a point.

    This particular time, Magnus was very lucky

    Who else feels wierd without the chess pieces sound 😅

    Magnus is Goat and Agadmator is the Goat of chess channels.

    Can you please do less variations I’m just trying to find out why happens

    No board sounds! I need my satisfying clicking!

    Final game from 5+1 and first game from 3+1 please

    Agad I love your content! Please, can you do bu for bullet and bz for blitz or something in that spirit for the little robot? Would be nice especially in these kind of videos and events…
    Thanks for all that you’re doing ❤

    INTRODUCTION made me more comfortable watching…AGAD OP!!

    These guys really show how much of a different level they are on. Wow. Just plain bewildering!

    Phone call from Magnus complaining that he hasn't actually made his move yet and the commentary will have to wait

    Hikaru's run in the 3+1 was incredible

    " knights nicely oppose each other " – agadmator 2023

    Show the game where Hikaru sacrifices a queen and the rook

    “This is the final match and most requested… hikaru needs a win to force tie break.” 😂

    Why there is no sound on piece movements and captures in this video?

    I think it would be better if you also showed eva bar and time.

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