Creds to Lennart Ootes for the pics

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%1$ Comments128

    Hans beat Magnus
    Levy beat Hans
    Levy must be better than Magnus
    "This cannot stand" – The GOAT

    Thank u Gotham for paying tribute to our national chess gm 😢

    you can’t tell me levy wouldn’t be the best chess announcer. 😂

    I don't know why hans played the Italian against magnus it's not what he plays typically and Hikaru said he played the position wrongly and it shows that hans doesn't completely understands the nature of the Italian positionally

    there is a big difference between how, Levy breaks the games down, and how GM Hikaru breaks the game down, I saw this immediately went to hikaru's stream, and it was more like a reporting of what has happened, and not where and who was under pressure, when was the defense came in, and where did the passivity killed the plan. Certainly explains why gotham is subscribed 2X more than hikaru

    This is clearly clickbait, when you said in the introduction that you'd break it down for us. I expected you to go stand up and breakdance but no, you broke my heart Levi! 😡😡

    Oh look Hikaru just said "when you lose on time it's meaningless" (or something like that)

    I guess I was right all you trolls !

    You shouldn't be imitating the ability of Allah to create and shape beings in your thumbnails. Try to change them to normal pictures without editing the faces

    hans is a great player. Probably top 10 in blitz. That said Magnus is the GOAT and I doubt there will ever be anyone of his level again

    Magnus beats Hans, Levy beats Hans, therefore Levy is on par with Magnus

    Bro can you do me a favour, please report this person
    He's been cheating and gaining free elo, pls report him guys 🙏🏻

    As a solid fan of chess and its tactics, I tremendously enjoyed your breakdown of this thrilling match. The strategy breakdown is very insightful, especially showing how even the best overlook some tactical plays.

    Sensational game & great narration 🤩!

    In one of the next few videos could you break down underrated tournament matches or your fav tournament matches? I love the way you explain chess

    Im fuckn sick i clicked on here praying HANS won what a way to start my day😒😒 daaaam hans

    Levy: Nobody knows if Hans actually cheated, there's no proof and he's innocent until proven guilty.
    Also Levy: Hans play A6; A4, A5, A6 is very Alpha Zero-esque.

    Magnus only shows his true Alien strength nowadays when some clown like Hans thinks he’s better then everybody 😅 Sit down boy

    Hans got beat by Levy so he thought he could take on Magnus

    Felt like I was watching a sports game how exciting this was ! That rook stacked on F file is genius wow

    Levy beat Hans Levy beat Magnus. Levy is the unranked #1 in the world.

    when their reconciliation happened?

    I stopped playing chess for a bit, can someone update me on what’s happening with the lawsuit against Magnus and Hilary by Hans

    In which .. Levy makes an AlphaZero comment / accusation?!

    Cheaty McCheatFace must have broke his beads 😛

    Brilliant analysis and comedic commentary, Levy.

    Levy had to stop his GM road videos just to milk his win over Hans

    This is the same guy that by defeated by gotam a few days back …..

    if Hans had played the Caro-Kann he would have won 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    to credit to hans he also played very good game


    Levy: 'Knight h5 is fine'
    Eval bar: You sure that's fine bro?

    I actually really like Levy's tone in this video, it's not super biased against Hans or anything and also demonstrates a really impressive win. Like levy said, interesting to see Magnus go for cool tactics instead of his usual python like Karpov ish style of play

    Hans to Magnus: "Take it as a present!" 😉

    YOURE BETTER THAN HANS NIEMAN AND MAGNUS CARLSEN NOW (now it’s just Hikaru and maybe some other grandmasters like vidit, Fabiano or Ian Nepomniachtchi) put the full name in case you didn’t know who he is


    If you beat Hans and he beat Magnus, doesn’t that mean you’re the goat?

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