Creds to Lennart Ootes for the pics

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%1$ Comments128

    I wish i knew my first ever brilliant move. I’m not Magnus Carlsen so I don’t remember all my games I played as a toddler, I don’t even remember 1 game (is that normal)

    Man gotta love how Levy's enthusiasm makes the games come to life so vividly

    In the final game white had to push the center with black pieces not activated (horses not off the rank as one is moved back to starting square) Crazy he let that game slip out of his grip..Magnus on the ropes got to push all in and go for an attack…2 of the best players in the world so its fun to watch but what a throw by white

    And this person beat magnus without cheating heh

    How can Hikaru and Gotham have two such completely takes on the same game? Honestly, I trust Hikaru’s analysis more

    “Once you start losing control of a game it’s very difficult to get control back”. This is so much the key point of chess and is not given it’s due as seemingly its too simplistic.

    13:55 although the material is equal, Hans rook on a1 hasnt moved and is barely active defending his pawn on a6, id argue Magnus is up +6 on that technicality

    Edit: +5 because Magnus is down a pawn on a7 by this logic LMAO

    magnus played like this to send a message, that although it's not his style he can crush hans at his own game

    Levy you drew blood on Hans in blitz first and Magnus just came in like big daddy shark and finished him off 😂

    What a game tho. Magnus has better ideas in 3 minutes of chess than I’ll have in 3 months

    "and i will be break it down if for all the views"

    Magnus had a boner to pick with that man. Or whatever the phrase is.

    so far levy has milked magnus 206 times for content

    this is (was) the second title

    still can't get over the fact that levy beat the fuck out of hans recently

    Hans is a chump so happy Levy spanked him good.

    Magnus… True World Champ… The rest are just Stewards

    Hans @** right now 🖲️🖲️🖲️🥵🥵🥵:- please Magnus!!!! Stop playing at 99% accuracy!!! I'm dying of vibration 😂😂

    I see Levy with Magnus content, I click, I smile

    It upsets me that Magnus didn’t checkmate with the bishop 😡

    Hans sweating his pants and magnus vibing while playing and botez dancing in the background..

    I would have mated with bishop G3… if Hans hadn't destroyed me on move 5.

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