MASSIVE WIN | World Chess Championship
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I like to think that I understand
can i plz have that jacket
Levy I’m still questioning myself. Why tf won’t you sign up for the chess championship like you’re almost with elo like other gm’s you calculate gm games so tell me WHY DON”T YOU SIGN UP THIS THING
"No Magnus, no views."
I beg to differ, Levy – I think Magnus made it boring because he always won. Who's going to watch a 100m sprint between Usain Bolt and James Corden?
Now, had Hikaru made it in, I think the views would have gone to Pluto.
The thumb nails are fire dude, give your editor a raise.
This is probably my first comment on the channel, just wanted to let you know about something I found while going through the game (I don't know if any live commentators mentioned this, didn't watch the streams)
So, in Game 1
Move 30 has an interesting line with poisoned pawns.
30. Bxc5 Qd2 31. Nd4 Ne6 32. Nxe6 Bxe6 33. Qc7
Now both the pawns on c2 and c6 are poisoned, because of
33. Qc7 Qxc2 leads to forced mate in 5, and
33. Qc7 Bc4 34. Qxc6 leads to a forced mate in 3
Just thought you'd enjoy it,
thanks for everything you do
Cheers 🎉
Magnus is still my champion, TBH. I hope he comes back next time around and remakes his crown
Ian vs ding feels like a quarter final after ian vs magnus. I can feel why he didn't defend his title.
It's amazing Gotham isn't a GM when he knows all the best moves.
Its always a war between you and Agadmator between who Youtube recommends first. If I refresh and Agadmator puts out a video first I think I get his video recommended but if I wait a while (like today with work) then I'll see Gotham first.
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
GothamChess: 2-0
Nepo: 1.5
Ding: 0.5
Don't mess with me bro
I heard "THE ROOOOOK!" in the distance after Rxg5
I play h3 all the time.
Yeah, you're 400.
The burn 😂😂😂
Hopefully Ding doesn't run into time trouble every game
Very sad that peirera got knocked out, he was war to confident which lead to his lose
For what is a man? what has he got? if not himself, then he has naught
Meeehn😢😢 feel bad for DING
"come on tom, Let's finish this the way we started. TOGETHER!"
fantastic game!!
Ding played an incredible opening imo, keeping things ambiguous and forcing Nepo to bail on his comfort opening
But nepo is just so clean and adapted very well. Loved it
It was super necessary-Levy
Dingly Ren 🙂
It's comical that Nepo had to take 10 minutes after move 4. This is exactly what Fischer was talking about. How much of this is being a good player and how much is just learning lines by heart?
Why do you have the NASA logo? Maybe you'll be the best chess player on some future Mars colony?
Thanks for getting this vid out so quick!
Do you know 1st recap of the world championship match got outperformed from 600 elo chess😂😅 Savage. I'm here. Rooting for good chess, and Ding… Hope for the comeback, still lot to play!
Crushing win from Nepo, this could be over quickly
This is the first Gotham video where I do t read the comments first, I've got my Nutella sandwich and ready for a fire game and fire commentary form our main guy🔥💯
Best chess streamer! Always fun to watch your videos 🙂
pls put timestamps for adds, thank you
Oh My God, what a horrible recap of such a great match. Dude at least keep up some energy. My God, so bad!
“It’s just a game”
if you see this where did you get that jumper from it kicks ass
Just crossed 3.5M subs. Congrats.
Today's stare was basic but it was still kinda meh 2/10
It's a shame these get less views than your other videos, I hope you'll keep making them though
As soon as nepo sacked the rook, my mind went….. well you know what🤡
I love how the sponsor part was made with different clothes lol
Glad to be in the one percent being this much into chess since 2016! Last year I opened a Chess Club with some friends and we are promoting the game with a lot of work and activities!
Circolo Scacchi Cantù (🇮🇹) is so proud of you Levy <3
A decisive result this early in the World Championships? Holy shit.
The Nepo that’s shown up is the Nepo that Magnus hates to play. An absolute shark
16:50 thank me later
Incredible game, and great review! He sacks the rook! Amazing, well done Gotham Chess.
Yesss back to recaps, the best content imo
No Magnus or Hikaru, no views!