Must-Know Chess Technique


This is how you break through in a 3-vs-3 pawn endgame.

ASMR Chess

%1$ Comments568

    But both sides will get their queens with 2 extra pawns for black, so what the point of the trick?)

    I gets it's asmr but my volume is maxed and I can't hear what you're saying…

    but now you both have a queen and opontent have 2 pawns more

    I've told youtube i dont want to see this 4 times ffs

    And now your opponent have two queens

    Thank god I saw this I’ve literally had zero clue what to do in these situations

    yeah, but what if they try the same thing do they both go through it.

    And then an on Passant (dunno how to write it) and u dead as hell

    But the sound of the pieces is exquisite.

    You can give your opponent a 100 bucks to get an extra move

    It doesn't work there bc both pawns will promote white pawns have to be one square higher

    But black can take and push after taking middle pawn. So this really only works if your closer to promotion. Nevertheless great video

    It's worth mentioning that it only works if you end up closer to promotion than your opponent. This is worth nothing if they are 2 moves from getting their queen back.


    Actually black is winning here. They will queen at the same time. If the queen is not a check than bye bye

    It's 3am I need to turn up my phone volume for this video I scroll down to the next video and I freaking almost got a woping

    i cannot focus because I'm distracted with your voice

    Wait arent they gonna use en passant

    You can capture the pawn via en passant too right?

    So you've broken through with one pawn and they have three pawns and next move advantage and that's a win for you? 🤨

    Wouldnt that be black en passant though?

    Mean while the other team had 2 who broke through

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