MVL Meets Magnus Again! Can MVL’s Sheer Grit Beat The World #1 in Grand Finals? | AI Cup 2023

The inaugural AI Cup is the sixth and last regular season knockout as the race to reach the CCT Finals of this year’s prestigious $2 million tour reaches its climax! Magnus Carlsen, the world number-one and reigning Tour champion, takes center stage in Division I having qualified as winner of the previous leg.

The Champions Chess Tour 2023 (CCT) is a massive chess circuit that includes six events that take place throughout the year and end with live in-person Finals. Featuring the world’s top players and a prize fund of $2,000,000, the CCT is’s biggest event thus far.

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%1$ Comments102

    I am just curious as to where Tania got her accent from.

    Who is the excitable woman who called MVL “VML”?
    She seems to know nothing about chess and her interventions are inane or ignorant or both.
    Possibly the worst, chess commentator I have ever seen. Trent was irritating but at least he understood the subject he was commentating on.
    Or am I being unfair?

    Pola pamungkas ku,,, identik pernah dimainkan Kasparov dan magnus asumsi matematika nilai 10,,, jadi begitu aku mengukur QI kedua pecatur terhebat angkatan ini tapi sangat disayangkan saat magnus melawan Hikaru, magnus memaksa tuk menang hingga mutiara talentanya dihempasnya demi mampu melawan Hikaru bermain kilat blitz ≤ 3 menit alhasil secara tidak sadarnya magnus mengubur talentanya sebagai pemain catur serta Kasparov.

    Magnus reign is over others are finally catching him in the various parts of the game

    When Magnus lose
    1. " I had a bad day"🤩😂🤣
    2. Food poisoning ☠️💀👽
    3. I'm exhausted 🥶🥶

    Ppl spamming blunder like they have the tactical power of Stockfish everytime the bar moves is amazingly funny

    Magnus will Comes back even more stronger 😅

    Si Magnus itu pantasnya player game catur blitz ≤ 5 menit aja karena pilihannya begitu saat dia vs Hikaru beberapa waktu lalu sebelum event ini,,, cukup jelas low skill player catur cepat ≥ 15 menit dan aku tidak suka bermain catur blitz ≤ 5 menit,,, kesimpulan logika catur maksimal angkatan ini adalah si Kasparov tak tergeserkan hanya karena pensiun sudah tua SAJA.

    No one is sleeping on MVL capabilities or underrating him. Stop making him sound like some kind of victim.

    'Sudah ku duga MVL mampu tuk mengalahkan Magnus… SEBAB perhitungannya identik perhitungan ku dgn pertimbangan siapa yg lebih duluan mat karena menang satu langkah sangatlah berarti tuk mendapatkan kemenangan mutlak.'


    mr. Howell in hurry was wrong. Black is not checkmated, but position is lost.
    After 1…Rxf6 2.exf6 Nd5 3. f7+ Kd7 4.f8=Q+ Kc8 5.Qff7 Nc7 white has now 2 queens and rook against black queen, rook and knight. And white h-passer is more dangerous than black d-passer.
    I played final position against Stockfish and won without problems. If amateur club player can do it, world top 20 player can easily convert it. That is why Carlsen resigned. He is not going to waste time with positions where opponent has +10 advantage. ( SF valuation )

    Damn dropped Magnus by 50 points while rising his own by over 100 what a series by MVL love to see Magnus get humbled after all that rival tier talk. As Magnus would say “ play better chess” hopefully he heeds his own advise.

    In AI Cup Magnus MVL had 11 games. Magnus managed to win only 1!

    saying MVL wins because Magnus wasn't on shape ? lol, did you see the crazy nice complicated opening choice he played in game 1 of 2nd match ? you must be in shape to play that. MVL was just really stronger today

    Magnus can collapse and did collapse, after all!

    MVL… Is on fire destroyed every. Indian kids in Tata steel and now destroyed Magnus…
    Wow respect

    I used to like chess, but you just said should be able to predict these moves, and that's the problem, game is too repetitive and boring

    Magnus traveling to another country tomorrow, meanwhile I can barely wipe my own ass

    The girl in the middle talks a lot but at least she's beautiful and knows what she's talking about

    MVL is so underrated, man, it's delirious. I was telling people in the chat, in the MVL vs. Hikaru match in the semi-finals of the SCC, that he was legit when he was beating Naka. People were just saying that Hikaru was atrocious and would get 'cooked' by Magnus, instead of acknowledging how exceptional Maxime is. Maxime has beaten Magnus often in Speed Chess.

    The problem is the stupid structure of this event: MVL already lost. He shouldn’t be able to come back from a so-called “losers category.”

    The fact that if the poll was some sort of bet the one who vote MVL is probably happy fight now. The poll was like 70%magnus 10% mvl 20% draw😅

    *Magnus was praying for a rival.

    MVL: "Sayless"

    I think for MVL, playing the extra matches helped him stay in the groove. Like in many sports, sometimes a "by" where you skip a round can screw up your rhythm.

    Now I can believe how Nihal lost against MVL in SCC

    I love this 2 perfect beautiful girls.

    Great how mvl stays humble, nice play plus cool attitude

    No shit mvl with a win with the black pieces to open? Against Magnus ? Crazy !

    Great play from MVL!

    I have to say I love these commentators! I think it's great to have Kaja there as well, she's very good at asking questions that the audience / those with lesser chess experience would wonder about.

    Fantastic games and great work by the commentating team.

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