MVL Meets Magnus Again! Can MVL’s Sheer Grit Beat The World #1 in Grand Finals? | AI Cup 2023

The inaugural AI Cup is the sixth and last regular season knockout as the race to reach the CCT Finals of this year’s prestigious $2 million tour reaches its climax! Magnus Carlsen, the world number-one and reigning Tour champion, takes center stage in Division I having qualified as winner of the previous leg.

The Champions Chess Tour 2023 (CCT) is a massive chess circuit that includes six events that take place throughout the year and end with live in-person Finals. Featuring the world’s top players and a prize fund of $2,000,000, the CCT is’s biggest event thus far.

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%1$ Comments102

    Magnus fanboys upset and offended he went soft in their mouth.

    Ladies and gentleman we now have a tier1 rival 😂

    What a remarkable match defiantly 1 to remember

    Why don’t people consider MVL one of the top players in the world? He is so underrated.

    Too many people sleep on MVLs capabilities. With the tactical prowess that he has, he will always be an exceptional opponent even for Magnus and Hikaru.

    MVL advances finally to the first tier of rivals which was vacant

    I would watch it without the Indian commentator

    Magnus not winning a single game against a 2700 rated player makes me believe this was rigged 😂

    Gg mvl wasn't the best play from magnus but mvl deserves it

    I don't know what other people think, but i have feeling someone lost 2 matches intentionally. Why? You guess.

    What if Magnus let MVL win so he can get a spot in Toronto? 🤔

    low level chess of Magnus, i think I really have a big chance to beat him (me=1500)

    That’s all that comes to mind. 😂😂😂

    Magnus kind of sad he hasnt won everything this year 😀 Congrats to Maxim, hell of a performance!

    Maxime was brilliant but that is the worst I have ever seen Magnus play.
    His preparation must have consisted in three mogadons.

    Incredible performance by mvl. Man was on a mission

    Why do commentators make excuses for Magnus?

    these talking heads are irritating. Muting them is a game saver.

    I woulda liked to see more of a fight by MC (their first match this tourney was absolutely incredible), but I'm really happy with this result because I want to see more MVL games and now he's going to Toronto. MVL has been on fire lately. I hope he makes a great candidates run as well, seeing attacking chess at the highest level is always so fun.

    The only man that's undefeated is father time. Magnus has been killing it for so long. People study him all the time.

    how do you draw arrows blue and knight arrows are straight not L shape ?

    Magnus tantrums are embarrassing to watch at his age

    Look at MVL just cool and calm. But we all know real storm happening in mind.
    Incredible stuff by MVL. Congratulations. Respect. ♟️🙏🙏🙏

    Magnus blundering so many times playing moves instantly wit 9 minutes on the clock not even thinking giving in to his impulses instead of calming himself and controlling his nerves

    I don't know why people keep saying math is good for chess. I don't think it is related. Chess calculation is not calculus. Chess calculation is just thinking moves ahead and then appreciate the final position. Tania. "Maxim is a mathematician queen is 9 point vs 6". This is deep math loool.where is the queen integral? Non sense

    Magnus got crushheeed what the hell happened I’m so mad

    If I just beat Magnus in 2 straight games to win the AI Cup, I would have jumped out of my chair, smiling with elation and popped open a bottle of Dom Perignon!

    Magnus was not fit mentally,his face shows it…even the airthing device tht measures air quality showed tht he was not going to win by the poor air quality….better luck next time my fav No 1

    David is such a boring commentator. Dependent on his computer, speaking too much, analyzing primitive positions that he seems to struggle understanding. Doesnt see simpel tactics. Get in Naroditsky, Svidler or something. Please.

    2:45:21 here you can see magnus.exe failing he was trying to reset… Lol he finally managed.That face could be a meme

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