My Message To Hikaru….

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%1$ Comments520

    watching here from world champs land 🇦🇷🇦🇷

    Why does he change the title so many times?

    Bro really said to Hikaru "I will steal your content Lol"

    Hikaru been jealous of Levi's success long time. Unsubbed Hikaru months ago because his fragile ego. And why Hikaru tries to hide his Autism!?

    Wait, why is Levy at the start of this video? Shouldn't secret base be narrating over this Beef History video?

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    There’s always a 9 year old
    Better at chess than you

    Do you ever wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night and realize a 9 year old has better prospects of becoming a GM than you?

    Im on board with the later add breaks. Keep us on our toes man😂

    Does Hikaru actually think he’s better than you in chess?? Bro thinks he’s gotham

    Nothing like Levi praising genius play when the eval bar says 0-0

    Guess we gotta scrap the Hikaru fans lol got your back Gotham 😂

    I've always liked the move knight to E1 as an opening, often results in first move checkmate

    this is one beef i'll gladly indulge in.

    Levy, soy suscriptor y fan tuyo. Gracias por el contenido y por la inteligencia humorística de tus comentarios. Vamo lo muchacho!

    The brilliancy of this game inspired my last ranked game, closing the gap from the 4 digits mark. Engine claims i'm stupid for missing mate in 5 twice, but this doesn't cancel the fact i sucked my enemy's souls in an otherwise slightly losing position 😂, btw while i saw the queen move enabling mate in 5, i didn't realized ir was mate in 5 and instead went with a knight for rook exchange, followed by trading queens with 1 pawn up and + 6 on evaluation 😃

    i wake up there is another coronación de la gloria

    “He did win the game, but I’m still gonna steal the content” lmao spoken in true Gotham fashion 😂👍🏻 there’s a reason why he’s approaching 4 mil subs, Gotham is funny as hell ❤ thank you for getting my 12 year old into chess 👍🏻👍🏻❤️

    4:44 Hikaru's setup, G6 into Caro-kann, pyramid variation 🤣

    I'm really happy that your were vegetarian for 6 months. The animals appreciate that. #govegan

    The Ludwig bot is bad because I just got 100.0 accuracy on the bottom, and it thinks I am a 1600 elo.

    Yo put that shit in the beginning so i can skip it earlier 6:56

    our next Messi, I hope to see Magnus vs Faustino,

    Muchaaaaaaaaaachos ahora queremos coronar, quiero ganarle a Hikaruuuuuuuu, quiero ser campeón mundiaaaaaaaaaaal

    "Thank You. Goodbye." and after that, Hikaru wasn't the same …

    One of the few times "Messi" has been spoken in Gotham videos. Fitting that it's just the day before his 36th birthday.


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