Neuralink Patient Plays Chess WITH HIS MIND

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%1$ Comments276

    If only I could figure out how to play chess with my brain….

    5:48 9:34 is a weird time control.

    12:28 Will there be different time controls for people playing chess using Neuralink?

    19:07 Frequently after one side gains material, their position is a bit chaotic. This is when the other side can counterattack (which is what happens in the game as well).

    This is useless we all know the future of chess is in buttplugs

    It's not telepathy, it's marketing, he just moves the mouse, it's cool but it's nothing new.

    Dude was flabbergasted as to how the neural link works

    Imagine coca cola seding their ads to your brain it will be insane

    As soon as I saw him playing chess I knew this recap was coming. I can’t wait!

    he’s being assisted by a computer. ban his account now

    If Neuralink can process brain input. Can it also broadcast sincere feelings? What if one day we all require government leaders to have neuralink and they are required to broadcast their inner thoughts so that they can't sugarcoat their words or prevent their actions belying their words.

    In a few years new cheating method: having the engine in the brain implant.

    I saw this live and when I saw chess, I was hoping you'd cover this! great stuff!

    POV you’re about to play the best move with neuralink*whopper add plays*💀

    Strange that they aren't using eye-tracking in conjunction with mind powers. The little circle you see moving on screen is similar to toby eye tracking tech no?

    Would no longer need the Niemann method ahem You would just radio the moves into the neural chip from wherever

    I met a person online that had a very bad back injury from riding a motorbike he’s paralyzed as well but he’s like 1700 really strong player whipped me like 5 games in a row he gets my respect for sure he’s dealing with a life altering injury has a family and all the difficulties that come along with being paralyzed I only wish the best for him

    i refuse to integrate tech into my body fuck that ish

    Hey guys I’m a 1050 elo player and I play Jobava London and Caro-Kann. Should I stick to what I know and perfect them or are there better opening to learn for the long term like the Kings Indian and/or normal London? Thank you

    Imagine 50 years from now this video being upwards of a Billion views marking the beginning of the end.

    White did not play a good game for a 1300 im only 1157 but I saw all the moves you pointed out that he missed I would’ve saw that knight move threatening the Queen that he didn’t play I’m glad he won he did make some decent moves in the endgame and I’m not trying to knock the guy he’s dealing with a lot I’m sure it’s a struggle for him

    Virtual insanity playing in the background just fits.

    ''he´s making chessmoves with his brain'' unlike like yall

    Who cares about this individual being able to move a mouse or being able to communicate through text or w.e we have people suffering neurological diseases like schizophrenia why isn't there things being to relieve suffering free peoples mind not to say this persons life should be valued

    I want this thing in my Brian asap, I want Dem extra 5 GPU boost in my brain

    Nah imagine one of the best chess players acting like he's leaving, mid-game, but then starts playing without being at his computer bc he installed neuralink just to be funny. tbh someone would do it that's just the kind of community ngl

    @gothamchess I need the telepathy installed now, cause its GOT to help with time management and mine sucks. 😂😂

    Imagine thinking about your next move and then your mind just does it for you

    I’m a fan of Chess and a fan of yours Levy because you are Chess as well 😊♟️

    Well, I'm still going to blame mouseslips… Brainslips? Brainmisclicks?

    The story is much more interesting since he won. What a chad.

    Can someone pls explain what that device did to his brain and what is telepathic chess?

    At this point everything is surprising news

    Imagine all the ways someone might cheat with this technology.

    Good stuff! IRL I am a scientist in somewhat related areas (neuroscience and psychology). I don't want to sound like I'm downplaying things, as the technology is incredible, but going from "brain to computer" is far far easier than computer to brain! Think of it this way, currently the technology has to take neural activity and get 4 or 5 "ideas" (mouse up, mouse down; and I suppose left or right button) and then change in X and Change in Y position of the mouse cursor. With those bits of information, the computer does the rest (moves the pieces, in this case, or turns on/off music, and so forth). So Noland is sending information about how to move the mouse cursor, and when to click the mouse buttons and when to release them. The decisions about chess, or music on/off, etc, is all done by his brain (as it is for all of us), and his brain understands how to tell the computer what to do. But, for a computer to tell the brain information it has to send a lot more information (we can't just tell the brain "move the piece on A2 to A5", it has to tell the brain that information in the way the brain codes information (mouse operations are simple codes – thought is a complex pattern of neural activity that spans many many brain systems, so you need to communicate to all of those neurons). In short, the information flow "to the brain" would have to be many orders of magnitude greater than the information flow "from the brain". It's still not trivial what they've done, and the benefit to people like Noland is incredible. With very few instructions coming out, those can be tailored to many different useful devices (one could control their mobility chair, activate a computer pannel that controls lights and other things in their home, for example – the amount of re-gained independence is fantastic).
    Anyway, I'll stop there as I've probably gone on too long already. 🙂

    It’s 2024, people are playing chess telepathically, and we are still recording in portrait mode. Smdh.

    I mean, yeah, thoughts emission and transmision has been theorized for about 100 years. As far as i know, it is believed that thoughts have their electromagnetic frequency. Alexis Carrel, in "Man's question mark", talked about this and so did Stephen Hawking in "A brief history of time". There's a lot of stuff going on in the universe and just because we don't notice them or ignore them, doesn't mean they aren't there. So yeah it is possible that brain can send and recieve this electromagnetic waves, it's just not as studied cause it's not profitable and sounds ridiculous. But like i said, there's a lot of stuff we don't know yet that's for sure.

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