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%1$ Comments408

    “And in this position white plays the top computer move”

    Wow, that’s crazy Levy.

    "In this position white plays the top computer move"
    My guy it is the top computer 😅

    Do computers look for stale mate traps?? I really want to know

    Levy why do u say stupid stuff about say someone who can recite lines of the top of there heads as being quote "psychopaths" because you wish you had the memory skills of these people and you havent so u insult them yep I thought so😂

    Great vid! This is why I'm subscribed to you i.e. engine games

    I sacrificed the Bishop and it was also a Brilliant Move!!

    "AI is better than any human will ever be. AI has completely taken over"

    congrat on 4 million Levy, keep making chess more popular! we appreciate you!

    I remember when Kasparov had a melt down over a move Deep Blue played against him in a game in 1996/97. Can you imagine him playing Torch today, his head would explode. Literally, figuratively, metaphorically and a bunch of other 'lys'.

    Bro is only dealing in Brilliant and great moves🗿

    There's stockfish 16 now! Hope you make a video about it!

    boys finally after 2 weeks of only going up and down between 1040-1090 ELO I've crossed 1100 ELO

    22:55 brilliant move putting dark square bishop on a dark square, amazing

    Also if this bot just beat stockfish 3 times, why is it "a potential challenger to stockfish one day" and not just "better than stockfish"?

    of course he'll say ''sacrificing the rook'' lol

    Machine learning researcher (and author of a few chess bots) here. No gripes with this video. Fun content. Nice work.

    It's weird, the first generation of super strong chess AI were extremely conservative. The newer ones, like Alphazero and Torch, recent version of Stockfish, etc, are so aggressive. It's as if once you can see far enough, the sacrifices stop being sacrifices.

    Wait stockfish is still #1 and still "wins all the tournaments"? I thought alphazero crushed it a while ago?

    Love your channel but disliked for the clearly lying clickbait title

    we must remember AI is basically just cheating bots bc they are programmed to know a certain amount of moves, or all. it's not possible for a human to beat an AI bot that knows all chess, perhaps tie but never beat. and that is just normal.

    I wish the bot would hung that bishop 3 move earlier so I can make a joke about how a 3500 hung a piece on move 6.

    Imma be real, not a fan if bot content, but listening to levy talking b4 bed

    Stockfish being called The King, The Highest Rated bot, The Winner of all tournaments.

    while AlphaZero laughs in beep boop

    Another video on Hans Niemann huh? Love it !!!

    Player plays a6, Levy – "Why you stupid?"
    Torch plays a6, Levy – "Ah, activating the rook without moving it"

    Gotham should be a gm for knowing the idea of the moves lol

    The final SF vs Torch as 1000 games (500 pairs bias opening , with White try to win and with Black try to Draw, so 750 is almost the maxium points u can get).

    SF wins 640 vs Torch 360 (+280 pairs)

    SF 3862 vs Torch 3500 elo.

    I'm looking to get a good quality wood chess board without breaking the bank…any suggestions?

    I don't know why stockfish is British💀💀💀

    I like to watch these videos and pretend like I understand what's happening

    Love the bots vs bots games. Inspirational. MOAR!!!!!!

    WithScience As My Sheperd I Sleep A Carefree Sheep says:

    " It's over 9 Carlsens! "
    – SonGotham


    Of course, take en passant in a French Defense game 😂 Torch is cultured

    Bro this is awesome stockfish is ready for more fights

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