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%1$ Comments408

    what ever happened to alpha 0 I thought you had a video where it trashed stock fish

    I love this bots prioritisation of position over material

    Wow incredible video this new bot has some amazing creative ideas

    Levy "Torch plays top engine move" 🤣🤣🤣

    Want to see torch play with black !!!

    lets be honest, magnus would smoke these bots on any day of the week

    If Earth ever had to defend itself against Aliens and humans got to decide in what competition – would it be a chess match vs Stockfish? Yes

    22:55 "put it's bishop on a dark square" I hope so, I wouldn't want a new engine to forget bishops cannot change color during the game.

    All the best baddies are English, I thought everyone knew that 😅

    Sometimes levy just breezes passed the most unhinged engine moves, and other times he acts like the most natural moves ever are insane. And I think that makes these videos even more entertaining

    I dont understand how stockfish is the no 1 bot while it has lost so many times to alpha zero

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch guy has seen some things says:

    How does one get an “interesting move?”


    You should teach the bots the code of their competitors, so they know how their opponents think!

    I watched this video at 5am still dark and Im not kidding, that cold stare at the camera at the start of the video creeped me out 😂

    5:42 I'm kind of surprised I didn't hear one of those "If you play like this, you're an idiot/I'll call the cops on you/whatever other negative comment" gag.

    "Bishop takes Knight and this lunatic plays d6!?" Is it really lunacy if it's a brilliant move?

    im confused, i thought alphazero was better?

    These boys are nutty waiting for people to study this and be accused of cheating

    Did AlphaZero wipe the floor with Stockfish?

    Cover AlphaZero vs Stockfish with eval bar on

    remember the times when "bot" was an insult?
    yeah that's over

    Part of me wishes you would encourage comments from the people cringing so we could gain understanding from their critique.

    After watching levy for 2 years, I can proudly admit that i started at 1 000 000 elo and i am now 100 elo. I would like to thank levy for all his help.

    Torch is also not quite as strong as Alphazero 18 too. It is just hard to measure because it is hard to get ahold of Alphazero.

    Levi has made me realize that if bots gain sentience that we are doomed, these things are always thinking 20 moves ahead. It's absolutely wild.

    17:20 "And in this position white plays the top computer move"
    I mean, white is also a computer…

    Levy and Tortch should alternate moves against other worse bots to see if levy can make torch loose even though he's trying

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