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%1$ Comments140

    Props to Chess Gotham for always failing to not deliver

    I just got the book! Can't wait to read it.

    would be very interesting to see a Japanese (or descendant) player play an Italian game in Germany…

    Ive said it before and Ill say it again. The best thing that could happen for chess in 2023 would be Hans Niemann winning a major tournament.

    despite being in the top 10, i very rarely see the games of Richard Rapport, his games are always interesting and yesterday (in the first round) he won with white

    Levy,can you make a video on how to counter The four knights game Italian variation?

    levy look at wesley so in the latest titled Tuesday first match it's badass

    magnus won the world cup this year so he can participate in candidates if he wishes

    guess whos how to win at chess book just came

    A chess championship no one wants to watch – fabi v ding….snooze

    Levy trying to blame the dog for his farts 😂😂

    petition to give Hans Moke Niemann the nickname: Smokey

    You lied to me, Fabiano is Luigi, not Stockfish

    Magnus why arent you playing??
    Magnus “wheres that Mourinho video I found before, that can explain everything”.

    Hey Levy, i just ordered your book on it normal that it need 1 month to arrive?😅

    Levy never fails to mention his dog in the video

    Currently reading your book ! Absolutely amazing read, thank you Levy!

    Duda game: even the dog almost poops his pants…

    I love it when you turn off the eval bar, makes the game more exciting

    His middle name is Luigi not stockfish liar

    I've just received the book today. I cannot wait to reach the GM norm from zero.

    Gotham, any chance of coming to Africa ?????????¿???

    "Let the games begin", he calls this recap. As I'm literally watching Saw the past few days.

    Thanks for your recaps. They're always amazing and definitely a highlight of the day 🔥

    Magnus is qualified to play in the candidates both by rating and by winning the world cup

    Whats rarer:
    A.en passant checkmate

    B.a big chess tournament without indian

    C.the opening trap video actually working

    D.levy not having a sponsor or self promotion

    not said in this video, but in a span of like 7,8 moves duda got 4 or 5 double exclamation mark moves. brilliant game

    No Magnus, no Fun, less prestigious tournament= more lame

    Hey Levy, could you make an educational video on sandbagging? Because nobody is talking about it but it is a big problem on chess websites. The point is if people knew they can flag the perpetrators for doing it, maybe it would get better. Thanks in advance.

    If he wants to play at all, Magnus will get a guaranteed Candidates spot from his rating.

    Magnus avoiding being dethroned is pathetic.

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