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hope the dog is ok……
Why are women and men separated in competitions?
I cant believe nor understand how some ppl believe the Fabiano stockfish caruana joke, im starting to lose hope in humanity
OK last game was insane Duda is such an amazing player
Duda really said "Call an ambulance. But not for me"
Isn‘t he qualified based on his win in the world cup?
Hans “butt plug” Neiman
wait benji can fart?? yo thats crazyy
why know exactly is magnus in the thumbnail?? a tournament that he is not playing with the chance to qualify for another tournanement that he does not want to play. i know you justfy that by clicks, but bro, sellouts fall of faster.
Yo levi after the no eval bar explanation can you show the what the eval bar says? Was black drawn or winning till some point?
Im happy he finally released “THE BOOOOOK”
Your dog😂😂
Two big mistakes in the first two minutes:
1. "The highest stake tournament of the year" – the world cup has much more prestige and 3 spots in the candidate.
2. Magnus won the world cup.
He is qualified through rating and the world cup.
Dude how good is magnus Carlsen no one has even been 30 points away from him since 2018 that's insane…. Is it just normal for for general world champions to be this far ahead than the competition or no??? I'm a complete newbie to chess can someone please explain
magnus is qualified for the candidates through him winning the world cup mr lol
Pouya V Duda was a nail biter
You should make a special video for the last game
Where the hell is ding liren
Levy sir
You are my inspiration ❤
Plz analyse my games and tell me my mistakes
I play sicilian with dragon variation and also italian game
Mastercombat12345 with ayanokoji profile photo
Duda with Queens Factory.
Can I get the book in Iraq?
More Rapport please ;D
Magnus is qualified to candidates via World Cup… 1:39
Has any player ever used their time in the game between moves to take a short nap? (Yes I know people went and slept at the hotel overnight in the pre-engine days).
Are you goin to show only Americans?
I am batman
You should make a video about karpov in Lineares 1994!
His middle name is Leela
Loved the very professional and chill intro, way better than the rest of your intros
COULD ANYONE TELL ME Y DING is not playing any event???
Good job on the video, the last game is awesome.
levy never fails to not fail in his videos
Only you get me entertainment while eating now a days.
Magnus is qualified for the Candidares because he won the World Cup.
First time he didn't say now get out instead a sweet bye.. How beautiful ❤️
fun fact, the highest rated non GM is Rudik Makarian, he's an international master and his classical rating is 2546, meaning he is tied for 402nd in the world
Levy always fails to entertain
15:51 😂😂😂😂😂
I had to google Fabi's full name
Why I can't sign in to chessly?
fabiano vs hans is a no-brainer. Your competitor, Polina Shuvalova vs Alice Lee could be interesting.
Duda thang like duda did it duda dude
Why did he put hans niemann as a championship contender, only for views ig
Any tournament without overhyped Overrated Magnus is a great tournament. Thank you 😀
Gotham said his middle name was stock fish but I found out that fabiano is Mario's brother
Loved that no evaluation bar at the end
15:25 An intermission.
Bro where is good fashion designer game?